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Katherine's P.O.V.

Starting school a little late into the semester isn't a great feeling. I have yet to meet anyone in my area and my social anxiety is going through the roof.

I took a deep breath in and opened the front doors to West Valley High. The place looks like your average high school.

I looked to my right and noticed a kid with short brown hair wearing a green sweater. "Um excuse me?" I say shyly. The kid looked around and then back to me.

"You talking to me?" He asked as he held his hand up to his mouth slightly covering it. "Hi, I'm Katherine, I just moved here from Florida. I'm looking for the main office, can you direct me please?" I ask.

His demeanor softened, "Yeah it's the first door on your left." He said as he nervously hurried off into the crowd of people. I never even got his name.

I shrugged it off and walked into the office. "Hello, I'm Katherine the new girl. I was told on the phone a Counselor Blatt had my schedule." I said to the girl at the office counter.

Right after I asked, a woman with short brown hair and glasses came out of a doorway to greet me. "Hello hello, you must be Ms. Katherine May." She said in an overly friendly tone.

I smiled back and replied, "Yes, I'm Katherine, but I prefer to go by my first and middle name Katherine Isabella if that's alright."

"Oh of course it is sweetie, now here is your schedule, and by the looks of it you're just in time for your lunch period." She said as she gave me my schedule.

"The lunchroom will be on your left as you exit the office. It's a huge cafeteria with lots of kids, you can't miss it." She smiled.

"Thank you, Counselor Blatt. I said and exited the office." I walked into the cafeteria and my anxiety grew. The cafeteria was enormous with what seemed like hundreds of kids.

I sighed and walked to the line to grab food, today's options were peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, or turkey and cheese sandwiches.

Considering I'm allergic to peanuts I grabbed a turkey sandwich with an apple, a small bag of sour cream and onion chips, and a Dr. Pepper. After paying for my meal I looked around for a place to sit.

Most of the tables were already full, I saw a table with other girls that had the same style as I did, but they looked kinda snobby so I kept looking. My eyes scanned towards a table with only three kids. To my surprise one of them was the kid I met earlier.

I suppose that will have to do. I smile and begin walking towards the table. As I was getting closer one of the kids looked up as if he was in shock and began whispering something I couldn't hear to the others.

𝔽𝕝𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℍ𝕒𝕨𝕜'𝕤 𝕊𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕡𝕥 (OC x Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz)Where stories live. Discover now