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Katherine's P.O.V.

*Beep Beep Beep*

"Ahhh," I groaned as I hit my alarm clock with the side of my fist. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and opened it.  '45 new messages' I looked at my messages and saw new ones from Demi, Eli, and Aisha.

I ignored Demi's and Eli's but looked at Aisha's.

Aisha: Hey girly after school today we're all meeting up at the park you down?

Kat: Yeah I guess I'll go.

Aisha: Hey what's the matter? Still thinking about Hawk?

Kat: Yep, what even happened after I left anyway?

Aisha: It was hilarious, when he was throwing milk duds one of them hit a guy a few rows ahead of us and he stood up pissed and started yelling.

Kat: Wish I could've been there to witness that.

Aisha: Hey I have to get ready for class good luck on the practice test today.

Kat: You too, thanks for being a really good friend.

I locked my phone and took a quick shower. After that, I put on a beautiful dress with tan heels.

"Bye mom, bye dad love you," I yelled as I grabbed an apple and headed out the door. While eating the apple I got into my car and drove to school. When I walked inside the school I saw Hawk laughing with his friends in the hallway.

Hawk glanced at me and rolled his eyes. What an asshole if he wants to be like that then fine. I looked to my left and saw Brucks with Kyler. This is going to be a dick move but I could go way lower.

I walked up to the two and spoke, "Hey Brucks how are you today?" "Woah hey there hot stuff. My day just got better how about yours?" Brucks said. "Mine's alright so far, good look on your test today," I say and look over at Hawk.

Jealousy was plastered all over his face and I walked to class with a smirk. I took my seat and a few moments later Hawk took his seat next to me.

"Goodmorning Hawk," I said. "Whatever happened to Eli?" He said frustrated. "I don't know you tell me, Hawk," I spoke. "You know you have some nerve talking to Brucks and Kyler," He whispered as our teacher passed out our practice tests.

"You have some nerve telling me who I can and can't talk to," I clapped back. "Quiet everyone you may begin testing," Our teacher spoke. Hawk was having some difficultly focusing while I zoomed through the test.

An hour later we all passed our tests up and I grabbed my things and headed out. While turning the corner I collided with someone and they dropped all their items. "Shit, I'm sorry," I say as I bend down and collect all their books.

"It's okay Kit-Kat I really should be watching where I'm going," Demi said. "Oh, Demi hey what's up?" I ask. Hawk walked out of the room and froze near Demi and me. "Forget where you're going, Hawk?" I ask. Hawk rolls his eyes and continues on.

"Things still weird between you two?" Demi asks. "Yeah he's still pissy, but I did nothing wrong by inviting you. In fact, how would you like to go to the park with all of us after school?" I ask. Demi smiles and replies, "Sure that would be great I'll see you then."

I give Demi a salute and carry on about my day. After school, I got in my car and drove to the park. When I arrived the park was swarming with children and yelling.

I got out and searched for my friends. When they came into my view everyone was sitting on a green bench while Hawk and Bert were practicing their karate moves.

𝔽𝕝𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℍ𝕒𝕨𝕜'𝕤 𝕊𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕡𝕥 (OC x Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz)Where stories live. Discover now