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*A few days later at Cobra Kai*

Katherine's P.O.V

"Okay everyone fall in. Where is everyone? Crater face, nose ring, slingshot?" Sensei Lawrence asked as he looked around the half-empty dojo. 

"They quit Sensei," Miguel said with a disappointed tone. "You serious? I mean good. That was a test, I wanted to see who the quitters are. Not you guys, you're in it to win it. Right now you could be at home playing your I computers, playing your video games, eating candy."

"Instead you're here, doing push-ups learning how to fight. Lip, look even lip is tougher than those guys, he's no quitter." Sensei Lawrence said. I let out an annoyed sigh.

"Could you please not call me that," Eli asked shyly. "Excuse me what?" Sensei asked. "I- I said could you please not call me that?" Eli asked once again.

"His name is Eli Sensei jerkoff," I say to Sensei Lawrence. "Um, I'll warm them up Sensei," Miguel said. "No Lip and four eyes have something they want to say," Sensei replied. 

Sensei walked up to Eli and me challenging us. "Sorry speak up Lip, or is your tongue messed up too? Are you one of those challenge kids?" Sensei asked. 

"Well, my doctor said I could be on the spectrum," Eli answered. "I don't know what that is, but get off it pronto alright? And if you don't want me to call you Lip then don't have a weird lip. Can't you get surgery for that?" Sensei asked.

Eli looked at Sensei in disbelief. "I was born with a cleft lip, this is the scar from the surgery," Eli said. "You mean it was worse before that, or did the doctor just screw up?"

"Because if this is the after photo that sucks man, you should sue," Sensei said. "Can we just please change the topic?" Eli asked.

"You don't think I want to? It's tough when it's right in front of me. If you want to be something other than a nerd with a scar on his lip, then you gotta flip the script. Ok? Get a face tattoo, or gouge your eye out."

"We'll call you Patch, no don't do that one you'll still look like a freak," Sensei said. I'm so livid, "Why don't you flip your script and stop being such an asshole?" I asked as I made fists.

"Got a thing for Lip there four eyes?" Sensei asked as I handed my glasses to Aisha. "Alright then let's see what you got," Sensei said as the other students backed up giving me and Sensei room.

"Your move cupcake." Sensei snickered. I smirked and backed my arm getting ready for a punch, swiftly I kicked forward and hit Sensei right in the mouth. He touched the corner of his mouth as I drew blood.

The kids were shocked in the crowd. Sensei swept my leg and I fell onto my back, he went in for a sidekick attack and I rolled out of the way. I jumped up and kicked him with my left leg this time.

I wasn't as flexible with this leg, my right was used for tall attacks and my left was used lower, but with more power. He stumbled back for a second then elbowed me in the ribs, after that he flipped me onto the mat.

Sensei crouched down and put me in a chokehold, I tried my best to slither out, but I could. I tried something crazy and kicked up hoping to hit him in the face. It worked and I got up.

"You might have more potential than I thought four eyes," Sensei said. "It's Kat Isabella," I told him still upset. "If only Lip could fight his own battles and not rely on his little girlfriend's help." Sensei continued.

After saying that Eli looked around and rushed out of the dojo. I instantly grabbed my glasses and ran out after him. "Oh great, more quitters," Sensei said. "Piss off!" I tell him as I run out.

Eli's P.O.V.

Tears flew out of the corners of my eyes as I rushed the doors of the dojo open. I ran as fast as humanly possible home never catching a breath. When I reached the safety of my home I slammed the door shut.

"Eli, what's wrong? Did someone say something about your scar again?" My mom asked worriedly. "Don't you get it they're never going to stop making fun of me because I'm a loser," I yelled. My mom looked at me wide-eyed.

"That's not true." She promised. I slammed my fist down on the table and shouted, "Wake up mom I'm a freak! I'm never going to have any other friends besides Demetri and Miguel. I'm never going to have a girlfriend that would want to stick around. I can't defend Kat or myself."

"I'm never going to be anything other than the kid with the weird lip!" With that, I rushed to the safety of my bedroom, slammed the door shut, and dove into my bed sobbing.

𝔽𝕝𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℍ𝕒𝕨𝕜'𝕤 𝕊𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕡𝕥 (OC x Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz)Where stories live. Discover now