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(= • . • =)❁・゚: *✧・゚❁・゚: *✧・゚❁・゚: *✧・゚

❁・゚: *・゚❁Katherine's P.O.V.❁・゚: *・゚❁

"I'm on my way," Hawk said and hung up. "Shit," I let out. "What's wrong Kat?" Sam asked. "Hawk heard Robby and now he's coming. Why didn't you say Robby was coming?" I asked.

"I didn't know, I'm sorry," Sam said. "No, it should be fine. So what they have some slight beef." I said nervously. "Worst case a fight breaks out, we could record it," Robby said. I turned to him confused.

"It's nothing, so Kat every thought of becoming a Miyagi-Do student?" Sam asked. "And leave my friends and boyfriend, no way," I said. "You have some friends in Miyagi-Do too you know," She said as she gave my arm a slight tap.

"Come on Sam let's go to the food table I'm starving," I said as I grabbed her arm and rushed towards the food table leaving Robby.

"Oh my God, this lettuce, turkey, bacon, tomato wrap looks delish!" I said as my mouth was practically watering over it. I look over to Sam and see her gawking over at Robby. He was laying down shirtless and when he breathed his abs flexed.

"Oh, so you and Robby huh?" I joked. "What? Me and- no, no way." Sam said embarrassed. "Oh, so it's just you and abs all summer training. I don't know Sam your mouth is watering and it's definitely not for the lettuce wrap," I said almost busting out laughing.

❁・゚: *・゚・゚❁Hawk's P.O.V.❁・゚: *・゚・゚❁

I snuck past the employees and looked around for Kat. She was nowhere in sight so I checked the pool area. While scanning around I found Robby alone.

 While scanning around I found Robby alone

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"I knew it was you," I said. Robby opened his eyes and sat up. "Is there a problem man? Come for a rematch?" He said.

"I came for my girlfriend asstard," I said. "Isn't Kat a little old for a babysitter?" Robby smirked. "I don't trust you Keene," I said as he got up into my face. "Afraid she'll like my body on her better? At least then she wouldn't have to close her eyes to avoid looking at your lip in bed," Robby spat.

That's it. I got into a fighting position and suddenly Kat and Sam came around the corner. "Hawk, what's going on?" She said. Shit, this looks bad. "He just came over trying to start stuff," Robby said.

"Babe is that true?" She asked looking up at me with her soft blue eyes. "Princess, it's not what you think," Hawk said. "What did I say about your anger problems," She whispered and Robby smirked.

I grabbed her hand and led her to the side. "Kat please you have to believe me, the way he was talking about you," I begged.

❁・゚: *・゚❁Katherine's P.O.V.❁・゚: *・゚❁

Hawk looked into my eyes and for a moment I could see his softened expression reminding me of Eli. "You think every guy is out to steal me away from you?" I asked.

"He was talking about you leaving me for him," Hawk said. "Eli Moskowitz, do you swear on the death star?" I said. "I do," He said.

That's all I needed to hear. I walked over to Robby and Sam. "So what's this I hear about us getting together?" I asked Robby with my arms crossed. Sam looked at me confused. "Your boyfriend is obviously lying I didn't say anything," Robby said.

"My boyfriend may have a hot head but when I look into his eyes and ask him a question he does not lie to me," I said. "Robby wouldn't lie," Sam said. "So me and my boyfriend are liars then huh Sam?" I spat.

"Kat, Hawk isn't good for you," Sam said. "And who are you to say? Last time I checked you're the one sneaking around with Robby when Miguel is heartbroken," I said. Sam looked at me with a hurt expression but I didn't care.

"I think you two should leave," Sam said. "Come on Princess you're too good for them," Hawk said as he grabbed my hand. "You know what I was invited here so I'll leave when I want to, and I want some dessert," I said and marched to the dessert table.

Hawk followed and I looked at the table. "Hmmm, they got cakes, pies, tarts, pudding, cookies. What you want babe?" I said as I grabbed a utensil to grab the desserts. Hawk looked at me trying to hold in a laugh.

"I'll have a raspberry tart Princess," Hawk answered. I grabbed the tart and wrapped it in a napkin stuffing it in my purse. "Oh my God Kat," Hawk said laughing. "You know what, I want some of these oatmeal raisin cookies," I said and grabbed a few doing the same.

Sam stomped over to us and started speaking. "Kat, you have so much potential can't you see Cobra Kai is bad for you and all the people in it?" Sam spoke. I turned to her and pointed the utensil at her.

"I was there for you when no one else was and how do you repay me? By calling me and my boyfriend liers and dissing my friends. So just piss off Ms. High and Mighty. Aisha was right," I said. 

Hawk looked at me amused and proud. "I got what I wanted now we're leaving," I said. As Hawk and I started to walk away Sam grabbed my purse causing me to trip and fall into all the deserts.

"What the fuck Sam?" I shouted. "Oh my God Kat I'm sorry, I was trying to stop you so I could talk to you," Sam said shocked.

"You bitch," Hawk said as he stepped to Sam. "Leave her alone," Robby said as he walked to Sam's side. Hawk looked like he wanted to kill them both. As all the dessert was spread over my body I started to feel a tingling sensation.

My breaths were getting shorter and I started to gasp. Everyone stopped for a second and looked down at me. My body was covered in hives and I couldn't get any air in.

"Katherine holy shit," Hawk said as he grabbed me and laid me to the side off of the dessert. "I'm going to get help," Sam said as she ran. Robby didn't know what to do he just stood there with regret.

"Breathe Katherine, breathe," Hawk said as he tried to put air into my throat. I started to get dizzy but was able to grab his arm to get his attention. Once I got it I pointed to my bag over and over.

Hawk grabbed my bag and dumped it by me. My epinephrine shot slid out and I pointed to it. Hawk grabbed it and took it out of the case. Instructions were on the side and Hawk read them as fast as he could and stabbed it into my thigh.

I gasped and air finally went into my lungs. "Oh thank God," Hawk said and he hugged my body still on the ground. At this point, people were starring and to make it worse my towel that covered my scar was on the opposite side of the table.

Sam came back into view with help and when she saw my stomach she and Robby both stared. "Okay shows over she okay now," Hawk said as he slid his tank-top off and onto my body.

Hawk grabbed me and carried me bridal style. "Ma'am, do you need assistance?" The medical guy asked. "I got her," Hawk said and carried me to his car.

After we got in he was the first to speak. "This is all my fault." "No it's not, it's Robby's and Sam's," I said with my voice cracking.

"I'm going to take you home this time," Hawk said. "Actually, I need to go to the hospital. These shots only last temporarily," I said. Hawk's eyes widened and he stepped on the gas.

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(= • . • =)❁・゚: *✧・゚❁・゚: *✧・゚❁・゚: *✧・゚

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𝔽𝕝𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℍ𝕒𝕨𝕜'𝕤 𝕊𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕡𝕥 (OC x Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz)Where stories live. Discover now