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Once someone's true colours was revealed, it was impossible to paint over them

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Once someone's true colours was revealed, it was impossible to paint over them.

Anarchy and chaos were moments that the Devil preached for, and often cheered on religiously. He sat on his red throne, watching and waiting for mayhem to erupt. Happy that he was getting his way, dooming the people that followed him so blindly. He definitely had the upper hand right now.

Nobody realised what was going on when Al-Asad collapsed to the ground and became unconscious. The sudden sound of faint sirens seemed to echo through everyone, engulfing them one by one, despite the fact that they were coming from afar.

"Somebody's called the Police," Bella told Evalyn. "It's not like tonight was a secret, it was out in the open."

"That's not our problem," Evalyn simply said, worry contorting her face as she realised Elijah was making no effort to move himself. He had suddenly become immobilised, as the realisation sunk within him that perhaps he had taken things too far. "I think he's in trouble."

Why wasn't Al-Asad getting up?

Why was there a pool of blood next to his head?

Why was he so still? 

"Maybe he's dead," Logan commented, coming as close as possible to Evalyn, his breath just about fanning the back of her neck, "If so, it all works out better for me. Because you know what, Elijah Blue is the best Godamn fighter I've ever seen, and he doesn't let anybody get away. That's both his strength and downfall."

"What did you do?" Evalyn snapped, turning around, eyes scrutinising him.

"I did nothing," Logan defensively said, raising his hands up, "Al-Asad has quite a reputation, but he's no Bad Wolf, he's nothing when put against Elijah, not when you're looking at someone who's fuelled by his Kills. Guess he never explained that bit, the fact that he only considers himself a winner if his opponent is pretty much dead."

"You called the police." Evalyn said to him, stating rather than asking, she already knew.

"Yes," Logan sighed, "That I did, considering these fights cross all limits, when you look at that unmoving man on the ground, you begin to realise he's physically injured to such an extent he may become paralysed, then it becomes a case doesn't it? One where people want justice. So Miss Gonzalez, maybe your boyfriend didn't kill Seb, but he instigated it, he was the reason he was lead to his death, and just like that he seems to damage everything and everyone he touches. Did he tell you about Martinez? He's still in a coma. It seems you don't know just how much of a monster he is.

You spent all this time being angry about your father's death, which we have nothing to do with, nothing at all, because the truth is he didn't die in our hands. Yet, you choose to trust him above your own mother, you think you're safe around him but surely at one point he'll hurt you. This is him, take a good look. He's the bad guy in your story. You can't justify it."

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