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A silence swept over them all, as they realised they didn't really have an answer for his questions

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A silence swept over them all, as they realised they didn't really have an answer for his questions.

They didn't know how to explain themselves quite. There was no way to make things right.

Time stood still.

When Daniel Smith had arrived at Evalyn's door, making sure his tie was straightened as he stood tapping his foot incessantly against the ground, Bella Fernandez appeared on the porch, raising a slightly, thin threaded eyebrow and pursed her lips at him.

She was quite a sight to stare at, with her short hair and tan skin. It wasn't like Evalyn's, it was lighter in complexion and softer, gentler.

"You must be Bella," Daniel had finally said, a pregnant pause after examining her, "I just spoke to Evie, I told her I'm on my way here."

"I don't know who that is," Bella mused, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Sorry buddy, wrong house. Actually, how did you get passed security? They don't just let anyone in."

Daniel had sighed, he didn't have time for games, "If you would just let me—"

"Come in, Smith." Bella smirked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Right, thanks." Daniel muttered, unimpressed.

"You call her Evie?" Bella mused, "She hates that name, I'm pretty sure. But now, I understand why."

Her eyes briefly roamed his physique and pretty face, lips twitching upwards.

"So I take it Evalyn has told you all about me," Daniel grumbled, slipping in through the door, staring at the back of her head as she lead him inside, arms wrapped around herself in her thin gown. "Nice to meet you, Bella."

"Oh, Evalyn has told me everything about you," Bella laughed airily, "But I suppose since neither of you have really talked till recently, you don't know much about me. Take a seat. You won't get a chance to ask me any questions other than today."

She waggled her eyebrows playfully and gave him a once over, as she sunk into the leather armchair. While Evalyn might have talked about Daniel, she had left out the fact he was the kind of cute you simply couldn't afford to forget.

Boyishly charming, in a James Dean sort of way, harbouring artistic face lines and bright, green eyes —Daniel Smith was without a doubt handsome.

"It's good to finally meet you, believe it or not, Evalyn speaks highly of you, and wow, she wasn't joking when she said you were polished-up, rich boy," Bella stated, truthfully, "So, what brings you here?"

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