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It is easier to forgive an enemy, than to forgive a friend

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It is easier to forgive an enemy, than to forgive a friend.

Henrí was very impatient. He wasn't good at hiding his emotions. Right now he was flustered, beads of sweat rolling off to show how high he was on adrenaline. His hands were red now, from gripping his gun for too long. It wasn't even his actually, he'd found it up in Jorgio Gonzalez's office, the night he'd snuck in and went through his belongings, finding things pointing to him in any way. He was guilty of so many things, things that he didn't want others to know, that Jorgio had.

Jorgio knew things about him, like his horrid past, how he used to be a convict. He'd accepted him in spite of all that and welcomed him to his family years ago, with open arms. But that didn't make him feel guilty in the slightest about anything, it just proved to Henrí that he would do anything to make Selene Gonzalez his, and only his.

Hearing Daniel Smith weep made Henrí's ears feel as if they were about to bleed. Evalyn, on the other hand, had become numb and had taken to sitting on the floor with her partner protectively holding her while she fought to preserve her composure. But Henrí knew the young woman very well, she was more or less broken after his revelation. What he had done was unforgivable.

It was good he wasn't looking to be redeemed then.

"Get up, all of you." Henrí said, when he heard footsteps outside, "Yeah, you too!"

He nudged Daniel on the floor, more like kicked him with his feet, and trampled on his ankle. He winced but he was done crying, eyes bright red he glared at him. Daniel wished he had the courage to say anything, to be tough and aggressive, to kick Henrí back and remove that smug grin from his face. But he couldn't. Instead he wordlessly got up and followed after Evalyn and Elijah, who Henrí was already ushering into a room, his gun leading the way.

Henrí was so familiar with the house that he began to push back some books on the bookshelves and hunt around for a certain object. Evalyn immediately came to his side and tried to stop him, which was her first mistake. He sent his arm flying out in front of her, his hand slapping her across the face till she fell back. Her second mistake was making it so obvious that she was aware what he would do, because seconds later he found the key and winked at her.

Elijah snarled, the tip of his ear heating up to the point where it splintered through his face and stained him bright crimson. He wanted to kill Henrí, metaphorically and literally, he wanted him to make him victim to the abuse he could inflict and he would have done so, had it not been for Evalyn's hand gripping his wrist.

"Don't." She winced, "Let him have it."

"Why?" Elijah said, burning up at the sight of fingerprint marks scorching her skin.

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