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"I guess now would be the perfect time to run

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"I guess now would be the perfect time to run."

Daniel Smith's bright eyes quickly glanced around nervously at his friends, and surely enough one by one everyone took flight. Spider funnily enough was the last one to bolt out the door, as they all fled, all except for the unconscious body on the ground and the man who had rushed to his aid.

Antonio, Tony, ran ahead of them all, his gun pointing upwards in the air as he let out vulgar words under his breath, earning a kick to the knee from Natalie Monique who followed behind him, hot on his trail.

Spider had dropped the explosive in the ball-room, but that didn't mean everyone was going to be there when it went off.

She felt terrible about running away, but she didn't have a choice, especially with his tight grasp around her elbow, pulling her along.

Evalyn had gone over the moment she would reunite with her mother an innumerable amount of times; she had visualised that mere minute she would embrace Selene and the way they would put each others pieces back together again. But of course, it was silly to have imagined it in such a way, when fate had other plans.

They had left the house, skeptical still after their conversation in the kitchen, Bella and Daniel had been peeking from the bay window, noses pressed against the glass, eyes glazed and alert.

Both mother and daughter sighed, looking down at the ground which was decorated with golden leaves, drinking in the mutual silence. Though it was awkward, Evalyn didn't speak, nor did Selene, even though she had a mountain of words at the tip of her tongue.

The atmosphere was visibly moist since branches of the trees they were walking by had changed from a gentle brown to a sombre hue. The wind was also rippling, which sounded unnerving and foreboding the further they walked.

"Your hair has grown longer." Selene finally said, "I like it like this."

Evalyn pressed her lips together in a tight-lipped smile, "Thanks, I'm thinking of cutting and doing something new with it."

"Really? Well, whatever makes you happy. How's nonna?" Selene muttered beneath her breath, she hadn't seen her own mother in years.

"Nonna's alright, guess she's lonely since it's only her and Priscila at home. Cousin Al's funeral was great by the way." Evalyn added sourly, intending to sound bitter, since Selene hadn't attended her own uncle's funeral.

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