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"Are you serious?"

"Where on earth can we hide in a damn ballroom?"

"Beats me, I don't want to be the one standing over an unconscious body."

"You should have thought twice before shooting him, don't you think?"


"How's the family?" Evalyn asked Bella, making small talk as they both entered the residence.

Raising her eyebrows just slightly, Bella folded her arms across her chest and followed her friend into the foyer and through to a set of doors that lead to the living space.

"They're great." She replied conversationally. "Mom and dad are worried about you, considering you're basically one of us."

"I'm happy you're here," Evalyn said, sincerely, "I could use a friend to keep me from going insane. I've been comfort eating nonstop since I arrived."

"You definitely need me here to stop you indulging in all the things that have you falling back into old habits —you sure don't have any self discipline." Bella said, mocking fake seriousness.

"Tell me about it." Evalyn sighed. "One step away from becoming a full blown addict"

They both erupted into mutual laughter, and Bella lost the mischief and humour in her tone soon after, "So you were very vague on the phone when we talked, what's new with you? Any developments?"

Her voice trailed off, shaky. Evalyn seemed contemplative and engrossed in the utter silence.

"Daniel had the letter inspected and we found that—"

"Wait," Bella interrupted, confused. "The guy you went skinny dipping with, the same the one you slept with, the one you—"

"He's engaged," Evalyn cut in instantly, "He's a good guy, and he wanted to help. Granted we have a lot of history, but all of that is in the past now. It's not what you think."

"If you say so," Bella muttered, "Continue."

"Well Daniel had a person try to look at it, and this person was actually part of Forensics previously when he worked for the local Police Department. He managed to gain access to my father's file and apparently the possible reasons listed for cause of death were suspicious enough, for me anyways. They show signs of drug use before moment of death, but he essentially died from being hung. I knew my father Bell's, he'd never take drugs. I mean personally, everyone experiences low points and when my father did so, he'd go for a run at the park. Not shoot himself up with intoxicants." Evalyn earnestly explained.

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