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People eagerly drank any flattering lie, but they would only take small doses of a truth that was already unpalatable

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People eagerly drank any flattering lie, but they would only take small doses of a truth that was already unpalatable.

When Evalyn realised where she had been taken, she was not impressed. Even if she had been blindfolded and forced to walk there, she would have recognised the picturesque house. The word "betrayed" didn't quite capture how she felt. Especially because she knew it was all a ruse to get her to cooperate.

She didn't appreciate the idea of being below anyone, being told what to do and treated like she was a puppet, but she would do it, if it meant she could find out the things she wanted, confront the people she hated so much, while also freeing Elijah from any dirt thrown on his name.

As her mother stood quietly at the door of their house, Evalyn clenched her fist and tried to take a deep breath. She didn't want to look her in the eyes, particularly because she showed no remorse or guilt. She was plain in the face and stripped down to a simple outfit, that was still too flashy for the night.

"What is she even doing here?" Evalyn snapped, unable to help the bitterness as she harshly brush past Selene and entered the house.

"Come on now, she's your mother," Logan smirked, "Besides, she's just as accountable as all of us here."

"Accountable?" Selene laughed, "No. Nobody is accountable here for Jorgio, it was his own doing that lead to his demise. We are all here for other reasons."

"Oh mama please! Did you even love him?" Evalyn exasperatedly said, planting herself down onto an armchair.

"Of course I did." Selene's brows furrowed and her face was covered in a gentle smile, but it was hard to ascertain whether she was being sincere. "At one point I really did. But people change."

"Why did you give me that damn letter?" Evalyn questioned.

"Setting me on this wild goose chase to find out how it is he died. You read it and really thought it'd be funny to have me lose my mind and sanity. You knew what he was doing, he knew what you were doing. Everything you both did. You both accepted that life and welcomed it in with open arms, but of course the second he felt guilt and wanted out, you all lost it. Because you couldn't handle that he was right to want to leave it behind him. And now the truth is no one is to blame but you, and him. Logan practically admitted that he drugged him up and was the one that killed him."

"All that he took Miss Gonzalez, he knew of. He took those heavy drugs, just as I did that night. I was intoxicated just as much as him. And yet, that wasn't the reason that he died. I have said many times now." Logan argued. "I believe the reports make it out as though the drugs in his system was what offed him, but it was all sorely exaggerated to push the agenda that he did it to himself. Someone broke his neck. Then they staged that he hung himself, made it seem like a suicide."

It still didn't make sense.

She had convinced herself since that news was revealed, that the drugs were forced on him, to quiet him, before he died. Then whoever had killed him, had orchestrated his graphically morbid suicide, of him hanging from a ceiling fan after.

Only for Logan Greece to bring to light that it wasn't done with the intention of killing him. That even though that was all disgusting and unforgivable, it still didn't make them at fault for trying to save their names in a sick and twisted way.

"It was an agenda that you all pushed! I still don't understand why. To hide your dirty secrets?" Evalyn yelled, finding her voice. "It's not like you're bottom feeders in society, your secrets coming out wouldn't have put an end to your sources of money, not when you're all born into it. I don't understand Logan, it's clear the drugs in his systems, the one's you had him take, which you admitted to me yourself —is why he's dead!"

"If you really believe I killed him," Logan scoffed, "Then I would be dead myself right this moment, yet I'm standing right before you. Because you believe me. How many times do I have to repeat myself? I didn't kill him, I didn't!"

She didn't know what to believe anymore.

Evalyn felt herself growing tired, tirelessly arguing, so much so that her throat constricted. She looked down at the palm of her hands, trying to ignore the slight tremor running through her. She questioned herself mentally about Elijah and the others, what they must be doing right now all alone. How they couldn't even afford a lawyer, or would have no one to call.

She was all they had, and she'd left them, without a glance.

For a moment she thought about how it must have looked, how she had strutted away with those perceived to be the bad guys. Bella had been appalled. She wouldn't be surprised if she poisoned her meals from now on, or even if she didn't return.

All she knew right now was that she had many questions, questions she was going to get the answers to, whether the people standing around her were wanting to give them or not. But the person she had come here for was yet to arrive.

So she crossed her arms across her chest and focused on the sound of her breathing, drowning out the background chatter of Selene and Logan, arguing back and forth.

She wouldn't leave tonight, until she could put the pieces together. She didn't care how long it took.

I know everybody hates the FMC right now, she really messed up this time

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I know everybody hates the FMC right now, she really messed up this time. On a serious note, expect the next few chapters to be the final chapters.

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