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It was hard to acknowledge reality at times, when serpent like human's swum among her circle, in the form of friends and family, twisting the tendrils of her mind little by little, the sweetness invading whenever they were in her presence

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It was hard to acknowledge reality at times, when serpent like human's swum among her circle, in the form of friends and family, twisting the tendrils of her mind little by little, the sweetness invading whenever they were in her presence.

Acting and posing in false pretence.

The sun-light rays spilled through the drapes, which shielded the windows.

Natalie Monique rolled over to her side, to find her husband-to-be, gently snoring into his pillow, an arm thrown lazily around her waist. She contemplated waking him up, she usually did each morning, before she started her routine.

But he had only got into bed a few hours ago, therefore hadn't gotten the usual amount of sleep he was used to, thanks to his ridiculous friends. Which only made her feel more irritated, thinking if they remained under her roof.

The dog, Bella, was probably scavenging through the kitchen cupboards right now, or stealing something priceless.

She was pleased when she quietly entered the east-wing to find there was no trace of Bella, nor Evalyn. The kitchen was free of their presence and she was confident that they weren't around, so she leisurely spent her time spreading organic spread across a thick slice of brown bread, sprinkling it with chia seeds, while her coffee brewed.

It was currently eight-thirty, she didn't have time to shower, considering she was late already, Natalie dawned on a navy trench coat and a nude beret, slipping her keys into her pockets on the way out.

She had business to tend to.


Evalyn tried to take a shower as quietly as possible, trying to remove the thought of it being Natalie Monique's bathroom, the place where she and her lovely husband-to-be had possibly been intimate.

It was early morning, the crack of dawn and Bella was waiting for Evalyn to get out of the shower, which seemed to have been running for ages, now.

"Evalyn, what's taking you so long?" Bella muttered outside the door, "I gotta brush my teeth. Tell me there's spare toothbrushes in there?"

"There is," Evalyn scoffed, having brushed her teeth already, as she tried to dry her body off, with little to nothing to help out. "Come in." She added, pulling on her clothes, which felt tight in all the wrong places.

"Why couldn't you just wait till you got home to shower? You must really stink, huh?" Bella joked, pushing her best friend aside, while she splashed water over her face.

Evalyn didn't respond, though her ears became pink and hot, as she examined herself in the mirror, trying her very best to ignore the hot flashes in her head of making out with Elijah Blue.

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