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Elijah pondered about what was going on in Evalyn's mind, it was obvious she was distraught after finding out of her mother's secrets

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Elijah pondered about what was going on in Evalyn's mind, it was obvious she was distraught after finding out of her mother's secrets.  She never expected that. She never thought betrayal could come from right at the epicentre of home.

But for Elijah, betrayal and hurt begun at home and he was already used to being at the receiving end.

"What's going on here, why the tension?" Bella groaned, interrupting the silence, quite aware what was creating such tension. "I'm going to need wine if everyone doesn't just relax."

"You'll use anything as an excuse to drink, it's becoming worrying." Evalyn chuckled.

"Yeah, I need wine." Antonio sighed, "Sweet Evalyn, can you pass me a bottle of your finest rich-girl wine, oh queen who so graciously invited me into her home?"

"In the pantry." Evalyn answered, humoured, "Bella and Elijah will go with you."

Though Elijah didn't particularly want to miss the drama unfolding, he didn't object, simply raising his brows, but before he could question it, Bella had grabbed his wrist and was pulling him along with Antonio.

"What should we do?" Spider questioned, eyes wide like a deer stuck on the road.

"You boys can start eating." Evalyn beamed, "Dan, why don't you serve them?"

"Serve?" He reacted in shock. "You want me to serve them?"

"Help them." Evalyn stated, knowing he hated having to do anything for anyone, having grown up with him.

"Natalie, why don't you come up with me, I need help finding something of my father's." Evalyn suggested, feigning excitement, "I need to slip into something more comfortable too, how about it?"

Natalie was suspicious, clearly this was Evalyn's attempt at cornering her, but she decided she ought to hear what she had to say, and so simply agreed with the brisk nod of her head and followed her. It beat being embarrassed in front of everyone, rather.

The marble staircase wound up in a tight, but fascinating spiral, reaching a level landing, that overlooked the wide lobby, until they were walking one behind another up to the set of bedrooms.

Natalie exhaled, "You didn't change much here, it all looks the same."

"I repainted," Evalyn spoke up gruffly, "You don't see?"

"Why are you speaking so rudely to me? I know we aren't friends, I know we don't like each other, but still, even I hold my tongue!" Natalie was exasperated, she was distraught even, it was becoming tiring having these digs back and forth with Evalyn.

She huffed and stood outside her bedroom, watching as Evalyn confidently stripped out of her dress and pulled on what appeared to be an earthy fur hoody, immediately hiding her picturesque body shape.

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