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Spider didn't quite know what to do, he'd simply brought in a bulky device of some sort which a shady, alleyway man had manufactured, when Daniel Smith texted him, asking for help in order to get all of his other friends out, even the individuals ...

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Spider didn't quite know what to do, he'd simply brought in a bulky device of some sort which a shady, alleyway man had manufactured, when Daniel Smith texted him, asking for help in order to get all of his other friends out, even the individuals he didn't necessarily like, before they were all to be caught.

He wasn't naturally rational, but he wanted to bring chaos and shut the whole night down, with the help of his acquaintances, nose deep in criminal dealings.

Sweet Spider had driven into the lobby of the building, with a big, black van. But this, the bomb, it surely was the cherry on top.

Today was the night, that the Zapper and Bad Wolf were pitted against each other. The Zapper being Martinez Sanchez, and the Bad Wolf, Elijah Blue.

As the two men confronted one another inside the boundaries, sneering and filled with rage and a compulsion to fight, there was a ruckus. Masculine energy flooded the space and hung in the air like cigarette smoke, with the want to outclass one another prevailing.

Martinez was taller than Elijah by a few inches, his muscles rippled underneath his tank top and yet he wasn't as broad and dominating; he was growling down at Elijah with yellowing, chipped teeth —awaiting the signal to begin his assault. As if on cue, the cage dropped, enclosing the men together.

Outside it a scrawny looking man held a microphone in his greasy hands counting down.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

"Let the fight begin!"

The man's voice echoed around the arena silencing the impatiently excited audience and then in one swift move, Martinez threw his body weight behind the fist that edged closer to Elijah's face, hitting his jaw with such force, blood pooled into his mouth. Pain erupted from the point of impact and Elijah groaned, tasting the silky smooth texture with a copper aftertaste.

Elijah circled him slowly, his sweatpants riding low on his hip as he slightly crouched, his fists tightly clenched.

With his own two hands he grasped Martinez's head in his sweaty hands and brought his knee cap up to his nose. There was a blunt crack and he released his blonde haired head.

Crimson leaked from both his nostrils and his nose was twisted left. He drew his fist back again and it plunged aggressively into Elijah's stomach.

Elijah's guts smashed together, blood vessels bursting. He repaid this by punching Martinez's shoulder, his hit collided with all his body weight and so he continued this battering until he fell to the floor. Martinez was still for a moment on the ground —his chest gently rising and sinking with each shallow breath he drew in.

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