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She had once heard that while pursuing revenge, one should have to dig two graves, one for the victim of it and another for yourself

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She had once heard that while pursuing revenge, one should have to dig two graves, one for the victim of it and another for yourself.

So that's what she did.

The Dunkley Police Department had been falling apart for years from the looks of it, but the main headquartered building at least was standing, a great big block which was flanked with steel and concrete monoliths, which gave it an ounce of power from the resources its patrons provided.

Evalyn wasn't surprised that the officers there didn't have much to say, other than to be patient and wait. She fought the urge to roll her eyes, because they were being ignorant from the first point of contact and Elijah was confused why she hadn't gone straight to the NYPD instead, as they would have spared their time and effort on something like this, assisting her.

Yet, she insisted it was only the DPD that could help out, she just didn't tell him why this was. She knew it was better to tell him small details, and leave out the bigger picture. They were indebted to her in a way, as was many of their staff.

"I hate to sound like a dick," Elijah grumbled into his hands as he sat at the end of the plastic bench, "I don't think there's anything they can do, they've just told you to wait here until a police officer is available. So, yeah, that's not practical for your friend."

"Yes," Evalyn exhaled, "I heard, but I believe we can still get Bella back by tonight."

"Do you even know who could have taken her?" Elijah quizzed, tapping his foot against the floor, as he glanced around at the expressionless faces which surrounded them.

"No," Evalyn defeatedly sighed, taking a seat next to him, causing their legs to brush, "But I won't let whoever did this get away. I'm sure about that much at least."

"You're a fighter," Elijah stated, admirably, "I like that."

He softly squeezed her knee without thinking much of it, and looked up to catch her staring at him with almost hooded eyes. Even while she was stressed and beat up, she couldn't deny she was strangely very attracted to him, and every time their paths crossed she only seemed to become more compelled by each of his features.

Evalyn let her eyes roam his face, searching his eyes, which she couldn't read, until they settled on his lips. Lips she suddenly wanted to kiss.

"Miss Gonzalez?"

They both instantly snapped out of their trances, Elijah coughed as he stood up and Evalyn too, turned to shake the intruders outstretched hand.

"I'm Officer Anderson," He introduced himself, taking off his blue cap, "I believe you've come to report something?"

"Yes, officer," Evalyn confirmed, "This is my friend Elijah, we're both friends of Bella, the woman who was kidnapped?"

Officer Anderson's eyebrows visibly raised at the mention of kidnapped, as for starters he didn't believe it, and secondly both the kids to him appeared as if they'd been drenched in dirty water and rolled over in the mud. He wouldn't be surprised if they had had sex in the mud in fact.

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