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"We didn't give him a chance to explain

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"We didn't give him a chance to explain." Evalyn said, "We made a mistake."

Elijah understood her guilt, as angry and vengeful her words had been from the beginning, she was soft at heart, and her guilt was already making her spiral, some tears made way to her eyes. He let her repeat the words, unsure what could be said in the moment, he simply helped her into the van after their friends and sat by her, knowing he could at least comfort her with his touch.

He held her hands in the dark.

"Those two girls are trouble."

Shadow didn't hesitate to voice his opinions, as soon as he and Spider met in the middle of the grounds with Elijah, who looked eerily weirded out, "I know we aren't exactly good people, at least not to their kind of people, but why is it they always seem to be acting suspiciously, like something's up their ass and it's about to cause trouble any second?"

"I don't know, guess we'll find out for sure, they went into the old church building." Elijah stated, curiosity getting the best of him as he made his way there, his friends close behind him. They too wanted to know what was going on inside the building.

"I don't think Evalyn would like us listening into her private conversations," Spider muttered, trying to get Elijah to turn around, "She's a nice girl, she's our friend, probably our only lady friend too."

"Who says she's our friend? She only acknowledges us because she's thirsting after Elijah." Shadow dared to say.

"If anyone's thirsting after anyone," Spider sneered, "It's Elijah after Evalyn."

"I need to speak to her, regardless of whether she's interested in me or not there's something I ought to explain." Elijah mumbled under his breath, mostly to himself, questioning whether he ought to kick the door down to the front entrance. "Remember I told the pair of you how I had a legitimate job in an office prior to meeting you? Her father was who I was employed under, until he left and apparently committed suicide. She doesn't believe that, and I would like to know myself why Mr Gonzalez left so abruptly and what led to his death."

"Girl like her will just spit on you, do you think she cares about what you have to say? I get you want to help her out, but she's not the damsel in distress type." Shadow commented bluntly.

"I dare you to carry on spewing that bullshit coming from your mouth," Elijah burst out, angered, "I consider her to be a friend, an acquaintance or whatever you want to call it. She has reason to believe The Hennessy Heads are at the hands of this, and who do we know that is at the foot of that mess of a group?"

"Logan," Spider uttered, almost instantly, clearly having a light bulb moment, "Shit no."

"Shit, yes." Elijah remarked, huffing out a harsh breath. "Logan tries to act like he isn't hiding skeletons in his closet, when it's obvious he's neck deep in dirt and affairs."

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