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It didn't make sense anymore

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It didn't make sense anymore. The situation they had fallen into, how the lines had become blurred, how even after all this confusion there was no truth and no comfort, even following the deafening silence that naturally came after an explosion.

Bella Fernandez wasn't entirely sure how she had come to face her current predicament; one second she had been speaking to Richard Pastor, and the next, she was seemingly surrounded by an abyss of darkness.

She could taste her desperation on her tongue, feel the bile rise up her throat as she gulped back and tried not to topple over in the little chair she was apparently tied into; the ropes dug into her wrists and she fought the urge to scream anymore than she already had.

They didn't like that.

They being the strange, no-named, masked faces which surrounded her, laughing and sneering, making comments how easy she was to ruin and mark as theirs. The sound of those words being used made her stomach churn with acid, but she couldn't do anything about it.

"Where is he?" She snapped, eyes taking in her depressing surroundings. It appeared to be some kind of abandoned lake-house, she could smell nature and dirt and it was far too quiet, too eery. She was almost certain no one would come to help her.

"You mean Richard Pastor? He's dead."

Bella let the words sink is before she could react, she knew that he must be the reason why she was here, but she didn't think him dying would ever be a possibility.

The man who had replied to Bella, chuckled, she assumed he was the leader and she was grateful she couldn't see the ugly, menacing smug look beneath his black, ski mask as he continued to sneer at her.

"Why did you kill him?" Bella growled, tired of them standing around her with nothing much to say.

"We didn't need him anymore," The man admitted grimly, "He served his purpose after all."

"Who are you?" Bella questioned, she hadn't asked that from the beginning, she was too scared she already knew the answer, but she still needed some sort of assurance, to know this wasn't one of her nightmares playing out in her head.

"Oh, I'm Sam," He introduced himself, nonchalantly, "No I'm not stupid, but it's not like it's my real name sweetheart, I figure you can remember me by Sam when you leave here, sounds pretty easy on the tongue doesn't it?

"You're going to let me go?" Bella whimpered helplessly, feeling the thick ropes only dig further into her wrists, creating red marks along the skin.

"Why not?" Sam drawled, "Well, once we deliver a message."

"What message?" Bella piped up, impatiently.

Callous, blue eyes stared back at her, glassy and hard, giving away no emotion except an entirety of hatred. Sam fumbled with something in his pocket and patted it, making sure it was safe and in place.

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