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"When I sent the SOS text, I didn't ask you to come to the rescue with a fucking bomb

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"When I sent the SOS text, I didn't ask you to come to the rescue with a fucking bomb." Daniel yelled, "Don't tell me that shits activated?"

"Of course not, Daniel. He's stupid to bring a bomb and bring it here, under a damn hotel roof. But not stupid enough to set it off." Natalie shakily whispered, her heart sky-rocketing against her chest, making rapid thumping noises as she attempted to compose her expression.

A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead and nose, "It's not activated right?"

Spider gulped, "Well, I mean... it won't go off for another seven minutes and fifty nine seconds."

As the wind caused her curly hair to slightly stir, Evalyn sourly thought about her futile attempt to have a normal day.

She simply knew that there was nothing good about continuously plotting what to do next; it made her feel vulnerable, fragile and nauseous not having answers.

But it was imperative to figure out what happened that night, the voice in her mind badgered.

"Not right now I don't." She muttered out aloud. "Not right now."

The truth was, she wanted to use her energy while she could on other things and other people, because she believed everything was interconnected and there were other ways to secure some realities.

The Richard Moore Middle School was located in Brooklyn, it was an underdeveloped and slightly overpopulated area; surrounded by nature and vegetation, it would have been nice if it weren't for the almost polluted stink, lingering in the air.

"Henrì, we're here," Evalyn smiled, as the car came to a halt. She stared at the back of his French haircut, and his eyes swivelled to the rear-view mirror. "I'll drop you a text when I'm done here, you don't have to wait around. You can go have fun."

The forty-year-old man wasn't very vocal, but at the sound of fun, his eyebrow quirked. "Oui. But if you need me to stick around by your side, I will. Your father always insisted you had someone watching over you."

Evalyn smiled to herself, "Papa just knew I was trouble. See you soon."

Henrí patiently waited as Evalyn gracefully left the vehicle, waving at him.

Evalyn managed to push past a constant stream of children as soon as she was on the grounds of the school, heading towards the school field, where mini stalls were put up. The grass was damp and covered in a thin layer of frost, as she strolled across, fascinated by the lively expressions of the children, as they made conversation, ecstatic evidently, due to the event unravelling by them.

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