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"No one is leaving this ballroom," His voice echoed around them, cold and dry, causing them all to flinch and turn on their heels, one by one to face the glaring perpetrator, who had their friend, hauled off his feet slightly, a tight grip around ...

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"No one is leaving this ballroom," His voice echoed around them, cold and dry, causing them all to flinch and turn on their heels, one by one to face the glaring perpetrator, who had their friend, hauled off his feet slightly, a tight grip around his collar, a fistful of shirt in between his fingers.

Neither of them had quite acknowledged that they weren't the only ones there.

"Why was the Smith boy in my suite stealing my flash-drives? And why on earth was he yelling Spiderman out of the window, and calling for a van to come to the rescue? But please, enlighten me, anyone, I want to know what the hell my godson is doing on the ground unconscious."

Mornings sucked. For most of the working human population anyways. But for the happy Taxi driver, it was sure a damn good day. He made his money and he could then go home and make his family happily, keeping their stomachs full.

Feeling tired from last night, Evalyn hadn't hesitated to ditch her bike for a cab as soon as sunrise had passed and she had ventured out of her home. She'd left Bella asleep on the faux couch and made haste to get ready.

She didn't have time to call someone, think things through as she'd decided she was going to make her own way to where she needed to go. It was also something she wanted to do alone.

At nine in the morning, the municipality was in a state of disarray due to the procession of headlights on the streets, the jam-packed traffic and exhaust fumes through the pouring rain. She reclined in the backseat of a vehicle and observed the rainfall begin to slow as it dripped down the glass and obscured the vision of countless cars waiting to arrive at their destination on time.

"Where did you say you wanted to go, miss?" The driver questioned from the front.

"National Treasure's Trust Associations." She responded, slightly impatient. At least that's what she remembered being the name of her father's work-place. "Just here, the Hart Island Estates."

"Are you sure?" He prompted, "Not sure we're headed in the right direction."

"Thank you for bringing me this far." Evalyn said dismissively, starting to grasp dollar bills from her purse and handing them to the driver, tipping him generously.

"Oh, miss, this is a lot more..." He started to interject.

"Keep it! Buy yourself another one of those fedora's!" Evalyn beamed, remembering their earlier ten minute conversation.

She kicked open the passenger door and rushed out.

"What are you doing?" He yelped. "You won't be able to get through the cars out there, you'll get hurt, and it's cold and wet."

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