the epilogue

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There was something very soothing about periwinkle blue and yellow put together —it was hard not to admire the gentleness of it and not appreciate the simplicity

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There was something very soothing about periwinkle blue and yellow put together —it was hard not to admire the gentleness of it and not appreciate the simplicity. Especially because the outcome of Natalie Monique's wedding celebrations, were far from what she always dreamt of as a child.

In fact, it was the opposite of what she'd ever dreamt of, yet she was flushed in the face and ecstatic after the ceremony went down in the Church and the after-party continued onwards on the grounds of the Froncesca —everything which had been organised by her husband and their new friends.

She couldn't fault the chandeliers that hung above her, even if it wasn't as expensive as the one that once used to hang above her head, nor criticise the array of art around her, because though amateurish — they held character and were personal.

Daniel Smith swayed with her under the glowing lights, Marie-Anne running around in circles, making the pair of them laugh. She liked him very much, even if it had only been a few months since she had met him. Her mother didn't want to overwhelm her with everything all at once, considering she'd spent much of her life with only Antonio Vito to keep her company.

Antonio was currently sipping wine with Bella Fernandez by his side, the two of them giggling at something her date, a pretty young woman who had been Bella's high school acquaintance, had said.

Everything seemed well, with guests mingling and having a good time, some on the dance floor and others clustered around the buffet table. It was hard not to smile, difficult not to acknowledge that for once, everyone was around her smiling.

Evalyn Gonzalez tipped her head as she sipped the last of her champagne and stood up, smoothing out her evening gown, a pale rose gown that Natalie had assisted her in selecting, though she'd insisted on it being as conservative as possible. Evalyn didn't dispute with her on that because she knew it was her special day and she knew she'd just have to learn to get along with her, considering she was now married to her childhood best friend and raising a child with him.

She was about to place her empty glass to one side, when she felt a strong arm wrap around her from behind, and the glass tugged away from the grasp of her fingers.

"Nice of you to show up," Evalyn whispered, lips twitching into a smile as soft lips dropped to the crook of her bare shoulders and left a kiss. She inhaled his scent and relaxed in his arms. "You did most of this yourself and yet you're the last one here, why?"

As Elijah Blue murmured against her skin, Evalyn gestured at all the decorations that hung above them, the sparkles and ribbons that decorated every space, and she felt laughter shake her.

"I know, I know." Elijah told her, coming around to face her and taking her dainty hands into his, dressed head to toe in his fitting shirt, with his hair a tousled mess, "I got late because of Mitchie, he was taking his damn time getting ready."

Evalyn clamped a hand over her mouth and actually laughed, dropping her head as she did so. Elijah chuckled along with her, before pushing her flush against his body and dragging her on to the dance floor.

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