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"It's going to go off in seven minutes and fifty nine seconds?"

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"It's going to go off in seven minutes and fifty nine seconds?"

Spider nervously giggled, it was how he coped usually in such frantic and emotionally draining situations.

His asthma was on the verge of spiralling out of control too, "Sorry?"

The driver pulled up at the school gates as soon as Evalyn sent him a text and he waited patiently for her to arrive.

She didn't have much of a reaction to the news of her mother's arrival, except a deep frown, which caused lines to appear on her forehead. Elijah sensed immediately something was wrong, but he didn't show it on his face, he merely asked her if everything okay was okay, to which Evalyn nodded, pressing her lips together.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go," She said as sincerely as possible, "Family emergency."

"Don't worry about it," Elijah responded easily, "See you around I guess. It was nice of you to come by."

She smiled at him, skeptical but entertaining the idea that he actually enjoyed her company despite her being so different to him. His eyes were bright, they lit up in the darkness they'd found themselves in and she didn't mind that he was so close to her right now. If she moved in his direction, she would have found herself right on his lap even, but she stopped that thought.

Evalyn had a lightbulb moment and rummaged inside her bag, pulling out her cheque book, scribbling letters and numbers on, thrusting the sheet into Elijah's hands, who didn't get a chance to respond because she was already jumping out of the tree house and sliding down the ropes, with more ease than she'd gotten there in the first place.

She had to leave but one way or another, she knew they would meet again.

"Evalyn, wait!" He shouted after her. "We can't accept this."

"Why the hell not?" Evalyn yelled back, "Make sure the school makes good use of it."

He defeatedly sighed, watching her pile into the classy, exquisite vehicle which had pulled up at the gates. As she drove away, he stared down at the cheque, speechless.

Ten thousand dollars. Freaking $10,000?

It may not have seemed much to her, but to Elijah Blue, it sure was a lot of money, and he knew Lila would think so too. But at least it would wipe that smug, judgemental look off her face, the one she'd had before, as Evalyn had arrived at the lemonade stall.

Because although Evalyn clearly came from a well off family, she was indeed charitable, and kind. He already appreciated that about her. He couldn't help the grin on his face as he left the play ground and approached his sister who was patiently waiting at the school's entrance.

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