the prologue

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Some days life allowed her to bask in rays of sweet sunshine and smiles, while on other occasions it would metaphorically, physically too, rip her heart out from its roots and hang her by the throat

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Some days life allowed her to bask in rays of sweet sunshine and smiles, while on other occasions it would metaphorically, physically too, rip her heart out from its roots and hang her by the throat.

For instance, right this moment, graduating from college should have felt like many things — it should have felt like having a potent reason to be proud of oneself, like the last four years were worth the hefty amount of fee's and late, amphetamine filled nights.

What was the point in hiding the ugly of it all? College education hadn't been as glamorous as one would dream of. Her throat was dry and she was wishing the ground would swallow her up — she wasn't going to stand around pretending to be happy.

She was lucky to have many resources at the tips of her fingers that could make a difference, and a support system in the shape of friends, but it didn't deter her from realising how much of a shit-show her life actually was.

Because Evalyn Gonzalez had other, bitter feelings regarding her graduation. She was for lack of better words, miserable as fuck, no matter how pristine and put together she appeared, underneath the layers.

For starters, the gown Hawkshaw College had provided for the graduation ceremony was a distasteful yellow which all her fellow students looked ridiculous in. Even Bella Fernandez, her closest friend who could confidently pull off anything — appeared to look like a banana peel.

"Anna and Helen have invited us to their sorority after party," Bella said, annoyance evident in her voice as her eyes darted behind Evalyn at two giggling ladies, enjoying glasses of bubbling champagne. "Also, mom and dad want you to have dinner with us tonight at Pier's."

"Bell's, you know sorority house parties aren't my scene, the prospect of being surrounded by bubblegum bitches is frightening." Evalyn muttered a little distraught. "And it's nice that your parents want me at the dinner but you should enjoy this moment with your family.

I just want this ceremony to be over with already so I can get back to the apartment and take off my bra, my boobs are killing me. Silk sure is sexy, but my skin doesn't approve."

Bella scoffed, gulping champagne fervently. "You could always just slip to the bathroom and take it off." Bella continued brightly, "And honey, you know that my mom and dad love you like their own flesh and blood. You have to come! I mean what other plans do you have? What other way is there to finish this night?"

Well for starters, the Fernandez family were all sickeningly compassionate and affectionate. And no, that wasn't supposed to be a negative thing, but when people who weren't even your parents buttered you up, fattened you like a stuffed Turkey, it became nauseating and so tiring.

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