Epilogue PT.2

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Three years later...

It had been an unprecedented few years for Taehyung and Jungkook. They never would've imagined that their lives would suddenly just fall into place as it has, especially after all the adversity they had faced together. They were in such a good place in their lives, and nothing could quite ruin that for them and their little family.

During this time, the couple had gotten married despite the hardships their relationship faces which, at the time, they were sure would break them up. They were able to have a modern wedding with certain aspects they agreed to keep traditional. They wore modern satin hanboks; traditionally, men wear blue while women wear red so Taehyung proposed that they wear purple satin hanboks as a symbol of their unity as it was the product of the combination of blue and red (blue being a yin colour symbolising healing and relaxation while red is a yang colour symbolising enthusiasm and active energy), which Jungkook loved the idea of. They had a short but sweet ceremony where only family and close friends would attend, but their reception was inclusive of their family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. All in all, their reception had been the most expensive part of the wedding as they catered to over three hundred guests (a large sum of that number being Taehyung's business associates) but it was all worth it because it was the best day of both Taehyung and Jungkook's lives.

A few months after their marriage was officiated, the couple began to look into adoption, more specifically, adopting Hyuntae and Hyunwoo. The process hadn't been a walk in the park as the adoption agency were pretty reluctant to allow a homosexual couple to adopt, but with the legal assistance of Park Hyungsik, Taehyung's close friend who was a lawyer, they were able to address the grounds of discrimination and threaten to file for a lawsuit if the Discrimination Act was not withheld. This helped speed up the process (not that this had been their goal, they just wanted basic equality and treatment) and they were under review with the brothers as they had them stay with them for a few nights and were interviewed by a social worker who deemed them fit adoptive parents for them. Within a couple of months of having to sort out the legal affairs and paperwork, they became Hyuntae and Hyunwoo's parents to all of their delights. Because of this, Taehyung and Jungkook decided it would be best to move into a more family-inclined home to allow the kids to have their own rooms (plus an extra bedroom they had plans for). They now lived further into Seoul, near to the boys' schools which had an English academy about ten minutes away from them which was quite beneficial. They wanted to give their boys the life that they deserved, a life that they had dreamt of when they were struggling. They wanted to make all of their dreams become a reality, which they could do and more.

They were able to build a deep bond and connection with their kids pretty quickly considering all the time they had spent with them before adopting them which allowed them to form a tight-knit, auspicious family unit. Of course, they had their days (as every family does) but even then, they were able to work through them efficiently. At first, it was unusual for Hyunwoo and he had a rough time adjusting to living with adults who truly loved each other and genuinely wanted the best for him and Hyuntae, but Taehyung and Jungkook were so welcoming and loving that they were able to work through that issue within their first year together as a family.

Furthermore, in addition to Hyunwoo working through his own issues, Jungkook had confronted his lack of dependence on little space now as he had found the stability he craved every since he was that shy, scared little three-year-old boy. As the days went by, he found himself slowly becoming less and less dependent on the dummies and childish cartoons to get him through the day. However, he still needed his stuffed toys for comfort but he allowed himself that luxury. Adulthood had found him and rather than drag him in as he thought it would, it embraced him and welcomed him to it. He finally understood what it meant to be an adult, and it wasn't as scary as he had initially thought it to be.

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