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"Beep beep, get in bitch, we're going shopping!" Seokjin exclaimed as he honked his horn at Jimin as he approached his car.

Jimin's head was hung low as he walked to the car and hopped in, resting his leather duffle bag on his lap.

He didn't have the energy nor the confidence to lift his head; he knew he was undeserving of being able to hold his head high after what had just happened with Hoseok and Yoongi. He could barely even look at Jungkook after Hoseok insulted him because he was to be held accountable for why he said such things. He felt as if he had wronged Jungkook.

To Jimin's strange behaviour, Seokjin and Jungkook shared a look of concern and worry. Jungkook tilted his head to get a better look at Jimin's expression only to see he was pouting and his eyes were shiny scarlet jewels.

"Jimin? Are you okay? What happened?"

He only had the capacity to shake his head in dismissal.


"I don't want to talk about it!" He spat.

His words were so harsh they reduced Jungkook to flinch in his very seat and give a series of small nods before he scooted closer to the window and locked his gaze with the outdoors.

"Hey, Park Jimin. You may be upset and going through the rocks but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on Jungkook and you know it. We know you're having a hard time and we want to do is be there for you, but you're making even that impossible for us to do. We care about you so much so please," Seokjin emitted an exaggered sigh. "Don't make it hard for us and pull away."

Jimin spoke of nothing. There wasn't anything he could say. All he could do in the moment was tug at the sleeves of his long wool coat and hide his hands as his stared out of the window with a deep frown upon his lips.

Jungkook looked over at his friend and noticed the glossiness of his eyes. Immediately, without a second thought, be reached out for Jimin and grabbed his hand. Their fingers were laced tight and warm. Jungkook placed his other hand atop of their interlocked hands and squeezed to gain the attention of his friend.

"I love you." Jungkook mouthed to him.

Jimin smiled small — the first tear from his eyes fell and he blinked rapidly, desparate to rid his eyes from the sudden wetness that overcame them. Jungkook leaned over and pecked Jimin's wet cheek then released his hands from his hold to wipe away the sadness that casted over his chubby, pinkish cheeks.

"Are you two trying to fuck again? I'm telling you right now — not in my car, not in this life, not in this universe. I'm too hot to die; do you know what Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung will do to me if they ever found out that I was present while you two tried to get down and dirty again? They'll rip out my pros-"

"Jin hyung shut up! We're not doing the dirty! Minnie is crying... I wanna make him feel better."

Seokjin briefly looked up at his rearview mirror to see Jungkook cradling Jimin's shaking frame. He lightly bit on his bottom lip as he sighed inwardly. Of there was anything he wanted to do was to cry just as Jimin was doing because he knew that cry. He recognised the destroyed look in his eyes. He was way too familiar with it. The only reason he agreed to drive Jungkook and Jimin was due to the fact that it was them. He would rather be with his kids, cuddled up as they watched christmas movies. He would want to avoid the sadness he felt due to him and Namjoon's forever failing relationship.

"Jimin. Did you fight with them?" Seokjin questioned.

He already knew the answer to it. Jungkook knew it as well. Jimin's behaviour was so familiar to him he couldn't ignore it. After all, it was the same way he saw Seokjin and Namjoon.

Jimin sniffled and wiped his wet face dry. "Hoseok- Hoseok screamed at me. H-he was mad at me because I didn't tell them I was going to Busan. He reminded me of-of them. I know he's not like them. I know it. But in that moment, I- I just couldn't tell them apart."

Jungkook drew in a breath and held it as he tried to process Jimin's words. However Seokjin was clearing his throat, ready to say his piece.

"Jimin I know this feeling and I'm telling you right now, pick yourself the fuck up. You know who you are and you now who Hoseok is. He was blinded by his love and that does things to a person; good and bad. You know he just wants the best for you, even if he portrayed that in a really shitty way."

Jimin sniffled and nodded his head pliantly. He took in everything Seokjin said, and truly, it changed how he felt about the whole situation. He was so in his head be actually felt scared of Hoseok, the same way five-year-old Jimin was afraid of the people who raised him. But now, he only knew to embrace his love for him and Yoongi's words. He knows his boyfriends love him more than life itself and just recalling that fact made everything okay.

"Act-Actually on this topic, I have something to tell you guys." Seokjin drew in a deep breath.

"You and Namjoon are getting a divorce aren't you?" Jungkook spoke up.

"And this time it's final." Jimin filled in.
"No going back cause as of now, you guys only work as friends. Maybe later on in life you'll consider being together but as of now, it's just not going to work."

Seokjin pulled over the car by a 7/11 on the road side. He turned in the car to face them with a raised brow as to ask how they knew and peculiar enough, word for word.

"Hyunwoo told us." Jungkook and Jimin chimed in perfect unison.

"Wait- he overheard us?"

Jungkook gave a small, sad smile. "He only heard the last part about maybe someday we can be together and blah blah blah. But yeah. Kinda. We just came to our own educated conclusion. Don't worry though, we didn't say anything to him. We just told him that no matter what happens, they'll always be loved and priority."

Seokjin gave a soft smile to both Jimin and Jungkook as to say thank you. However his smile fell quick when he analysed the look on Jungkook's face.

Seokjin blinked and looked down before looking back up. "Jungkookie. Are you okay? I know you really wanted us to work it out and so did we, but when we had the time to think about it we realised we were only saying what you wanted to hear. We genuinely want to give us another try, just... not anytime in the foreseeable future. Baby we're so sorry, but we just had to put Riyah first, alongside our own sanity."

Jungkook nodded with a genuine smile upon his face. He didn't want Seokjin to feel anymore guilty than he already did.

He leaned forward and grabbed Seokjin's face and pecked his forehead. "Can we talk about this at the hotel? For now I just want you to know that I hate this but respect it. I got with Tae on the foundation of what I knew about yours and Namjoon hyung's relationship. You're my parents — literally I tell people I was adopted by you guys," Seokjin left room for a slight chuckle as he blinked through his tears. "And because I love you both, I just want the best for you. Even- even if the best isn't together."

"Thank you Kook." Seokjin managed to muster. "Also, child get your face away from mine I can smell what you ate for breakfast, also known as, Tae's ass."

Jungkook's face reddened quickly as he retracted his face and pulled his hands away from Seokjin.

"Our trip is about Min and only Min. Jimin-ah, we're here to support you so use us. Use us til your heart's content." Seokjin spoke as he reached out for Jimin and squeezed his thigh.

"Yeah. Especially when I'm here baby." Jungkook added.

Jimin could only smile. He was afraid for what was to come with the people who raised him for the first five years of his life, but he knew he could face them  and whatever was to come with his family by his side because with them, he was very much invincible.


um hi it's been a hella long ass time
i don't know when i'll get the chance to update again so bare with me (i'll probably update once or twice more for the remainder of my two week break from school?¿?)
we'll see bro
anywayss, merry christmas for if i don't update tomorrow 🎄❣️

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