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"Jimin." A gruff voice called out.

Jimin excused himself from talking to one the of children's parents who gladly let him leave, insisting they had finished talking to him.

He walked away from the parents, giving them a genuine smile before walking away. As he turned, his smile dropped as he made eye contact with Yoongi. He begun to chew on his bottom lip nervously, as he tugged on his sleeve harshly.

"H- hi hyung..." He mumbled as he reached Yoongi.

Yoongi sighed as observed Jimin's behaviour, that of which he hadn't been like around him since the first time they met. It he was filled with an odd unsettling sensation arising in his chest.

"Follow me."

Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand, but was cautious of himself as he didn't want to take ahold of his hand too rough that he hurt him.

He was mad, angry and hurt; all at himself and Jimin. He wanted answers to his burning questions. Why didn't Jimin tell me how he was feeling? What could I have done better? Am I a bad boyfriend?

"I'm sorry. I- I need to talk to you hyung." Jimin choked out, as hot, regretful tears welled up in his eyes.

Yoongi stopped dragging Jimin. He turned to face him, his eyebrows furrowed with an angry, discomforted look.

"No- I need to talk. We... We need to take a break."

Jimin's eyes widened, his tears finally rolling down his cheeks. Realisation hit him as he understood Yoongi's mindset. Through everything he had done, from ignoring Yoongi to consulting Jungkook about his problems— he knew why Yoongi would be thinking the way he was.

"Yoongi no, don't- don't say that! I'm sorry I'll tell you- I- I'll tell you everything!" He blubbered.

The words he wanted to say were trapped in his throat, suffocating him to the point where he begun to wheeze and grip Yoongi's black shirt.

"Jimin." Yoongi called out.

The younger was too distressed to acknowledge Yoongi's call, and his hysteric sobbing didn't help matters either.

"Jimin-ah." Yoongi called out but this time with more definition.

Upon hearing this, Jimin's sobs immediately quietened down. He looked up at Yoongi with teary eye and his body shook vigorously with fear and internal pain.

"Jimin," Yoongi begun as he cupped Jimin's wet, chubby, pink cheeks. "Calm down lovely. Deep breathes, take deep breaths. Okay? Can you do that for me?"

The younger nodded small as he tried to regulate his breathing with Yoongi's help. He stared into the older's eyes and breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth. Within a few minutes, Jimin's breathing returned to normal.

"That's good, Jimin. Are you okay now?" Yoongi asked as he stroked his cheek.

Jimin only stared Yoongi dead in his eyes. His lip trembled as he begun to glare at Yoongi with hurt.

"D-don't." He muttered as he swatted Yoongi's hands from his face.

He sighed then found himself storming away from Yoongi, a fresh set of tears now rolling down his cheeks.


"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one- happy new year!"

Purple, blue, pink yellow and green. Fireworks set off in the black night sky as everybody were spectators who clapped and watched in awe of the eye-catching, variety of colours.

"Minnie hyung!" Hyuntae spoke as he tugged on Jimin's oversized sweater.

"What's up Hyunnie?"

The little boy smiled. "Thank you for making my wish come true. You're magic Minnie."

Everyone present was on an uproar of excitement and happiness. Jimin stood with Hyuntae, Moon Sik and Moon Soo— whose mother wasn't too far away as he was with the twin's father, smiling and each other endearingly.

"Happy new year Minnie hyung!" The young children called out as they ambushed the older with hugs.

Jimin grinned and laughed at the children. He almost lost his balance but thankfully, Hoseok was nearby and caught him before he was able to hit the floor.

"Woah— are you okay darling?" He questioned as he held Jimin up steadily, his hands rested on his small waist.

"Y-yes. I'm fine... Thank you, Hoseok hyung."

Jimin's face heated, a red shade casted over his face. Hoseok chuckled figuring that Jimin was embarrassed by his accident.

"Min-ah, don't be embarrassed. It was cute," He pinched Jimin's cheek before letting go of him and crouching. "And you little monsters- need to be careful with Minnie. He's very small. Okay?"

The three boys giggled but nonetheless nodded obediently.

"Go to Kookie, he'll show you where the sweets are. Just don't tell your Eomma." Hoseok negotiated with a playful wink which the children laughed at but ran away.

"What's up with you sweets, you've been off all night. Your eyes are red as well- have you been crying?"

Jimin shook his head. "No I just... You know, rubbed my eyes too hard. I'm a little tired."

Hoseok raised a brow, not believing Jimin's words but decided to let it slide as it was the new year and didn't want to cause issues for them already.

Suddenly, Jimin was pulled away from Hoseok by Yoongi.

"Hey! Get off me! Get the fuck off me!" Jimin shouted as he tried to yank his arm out of Yoongi's tight hold.

Yoongi had dragged Jimin into his office and closed the door behind them, making sure to lock the door knowing for well that Hoseok would come after them to make sure everything was okay.

He was sweet like that, and the thought of it made Yoongi warm inside.

"What do you want?" Jimin spat out with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Min-ah, I- I need to to tell you something. But before I do, I'm sorry. I love you and I always will. You're the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with because you make me happy. You're my happiness Park Jimin. You're the reason why I'm able to have the motivation and courage to make music. I love you baby, I really do."

From Yoongi's second sentence, Jimin was drawn into what he was saying. He couldn't simply ignore the man he loved— one of them at that, when he was announcing his love for him. Because he loved him all the same, no matter what happens.

"Tell me. We can get through it, we can hyung."

Jimin slipped his hand into Yoongi's and squeezed gently as he looked at him.

"I'm in love with Hoseok."

In that moment, Jimin could've sworn his heart stopped. His world had stopped spinning for a second as he heard something he never imagined he would hear from his boyfriend's mouth.

All he could do in the moment was smile small and run his thumb over the back of Yoongi's soft hand.

"Me too."

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