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It had been a week since Jimin, Jungkook and Seokjin's visit to Busan. Tensions had been reasonably low and it could even be argued that Jimin and Jungkook had come back from Busan as better men than they had previously been. Spending that necessary time with their families had done them wonders — they anticipated a change to take place but not on such a large scale as it is.

Jimin had become accustomed to taking things one day at a time rather than all in one go and had practically slowed down and allowed himself a break from his restless mind which Yoongi and Hoseok were glad for. It was nice to see their lover finally so at ease in his own skin. As a throuple, they had sat down and thrashed out all their concerns regarding themselves, their minds and their relationship going forward. It allowed them to have that insight into each other's minds that had been missing prior to their talk. Before, they were all quite quick to anger which resulted in many arguments that could've been easily avoided if their communication was better. All in all, they were doing well. So much better than they had been doing before. Together. Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok. The loves of each other's lives.

Jungkook was able to let go of his troubled past and make peace with it which had been unable to do previously. Talking with his father and going to his late mother's grave was the eye-opener he needed to tell him that he was very much loved and missed as an integral part of their family. He never could've imagined just how much his parents loved him. With that rupture in his heart being healed over, the need to indulge and slip into little space became highly miniscule. Slowly, he was slipping much less and taking the initiative over his adulthood that he had shyed away from and avoided with every fibre in his body. Besides, he had Taehyung there to assure him that he could take as long as he needed to be okay because as he reassured him everyday; it's okay not to be okay. His fiancé told him he was much like a butterfly. Beginning as a caterpillar, crawling along trying to get by before facing up to its nature and undergoing a huge change in his own special cocoon so at the very end of his transformation, he could come out better and much more beautiful than every as a liberated butterfly, free to soar through life as if it was a breeze. He couldn't have been happier. Himself and Taehyung were so content and confident in themselves that they had contacted the adoption agency to begin the long process of adopting Hyuntae and Hyunwoo. To ask them if they were happy would be a huge understatement. They were over the moon.

As for Seokjin, the journey to Busan hadn't left him unaffected. Seeing Jungkook and his father bonding and building up such a relationship made him think of the kids he had a home. He couldn't help but think of his precious baby girl, Riyah. Especially when Sungmin spoke so lovingly about his late wife, he couldn't not think of Namjoon. Despite all that happened between them, he still loved the father of his daughter just as much as he did when they were first loved up. Even though their relationship has changed, the love will always remain the same on his part. He couldn't even begin to imagine a world where he hated Namjoon. It was because of his immense love for Namjoon that they had to separate because he couldn't bare to know that staying together would make the man he loves more unhappy than breaking up. So when he got home to Namjoon and the kids, he avoided any contact with him until a few days after his return. They sat down together, hand in hand and talked out their relationship and found mutual ground. They both loved each other with all their hearts but decided that a divorce would be the best next move for them. Even though they were to separate, neither of them left the conversation without the thought of trying again sometime in the future. The day after that conversation, they agreed to see their lawyer and discuss their divorce as there was no need for it to be messy at all. Their main concern was trying to not have their separation affect Riyah in any way.

With all the the revelations that came about, you could say Busan is the city for lost souls to find themselves and slowly piece themselves back together. The change that came about was immense for all of them, but they were grateful for it. They were glad that they did it. Cause now they could truly be happy and content.

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