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"Jimin-ah?" Hoseok called, trying to get through to Jimin.

It was silent on the other end of the line so the pulled his phone away from his ear to look down at the screen to see Jimin had hung up on him mid-conversation.

Hoseok bit his lip, hoping to bit back the overwhelming sensation to throw his fist into the wall, or pick up a chair and throw it across the room out of pure dysphoria.
He ignored his sudden urge to sob until he dropped to his knees, gasping for oxygen as he tried to contain his major heartache.

The dancer gripped the edge of the breakfast bar and let out a deep, shaky breath as he closed his eyes, hoping to find himself in a calming state when he opened his eyes.

Although he was eager to regain one's composure, his will to question why the phone had to of happened was stronger. He couldn't help but let his mind ponder on why Jimin accepted his call if he and Yoongi were sharing a moment of intimacy. Why would he put him through that? The worst part about Jimin answering the phone being that he knew what he was doing- he wasn't in little space.

"F-fuck." Hoseok cursed as he felt tears swelling up in his eyes.

Hoseok's fingers dug into the smooth, wooden slab as he squeezed his eyes shut. Few tears escaped and rolled down his cheeks, but he couldn't bring himself to wipe them just yet. He had to find a place to let his emotions out right otherwise it would affect his mood throughout the day and he always liked to be in the best possible mood during the day. Hoseok tried to live his days as if every single one was his last, with the knowledge that you'll never know God's plan for you.

Hoseok straightened his fingers out on the cold, hard wood and inhaled sharply before releasing a deep, steady breath. He then opened his eyes then wiped at his eyes carefully to not make them look puffy which would indicate that he'd been crying which he decided he didn't need at this point.

He cleared his throat, standing straight to straighten out his clothes. It was his usual dance attire for when teaching the young children at the youth centre; sweatpants, a thin t-shirt and a pair of white puma trainers.

The dancer cleared his throat as he made his way to the front door, picking up his keys, phone and water. Before leaving his house, he peered into the mirror by the front door.

He smiled at his reflection. "Today will be a good day. Make the best of even the smallest of situations. You will have a good day."

After giving himself a small pep talk to get him through the day (but mostly for having to be in a confined space with the person who called him while being intimate), Hoseok left his house and locked up. He made his way to his car and unlocked it.

"Hyung!" The dancer heard from behind him.

He spun around to be greeted by his neighbour, Vernon.

"Good morning!" Hoseok greeted with a radiant smile playing on his lips.

"Morning! When you get back from work, do you wanna go drinking with me and Jackson?" Vernon asked, wrapping his arms around his upper body to warm himself up.

"Uhhh, sure. I get off at four so I'll be at yours at eight?" The older proposed.

"Yeah that's fine. Have a good day at work, Hoseok hyung."

Hoseok smiled again as he opened the car door. "Will do, Vernon-ah."

Vernon turned around to walk back into his home while Hoseok got into his car, closing his door once he was in. He put his bottle in the cup holder, phone on the rubber phone holder which stuck to the dashboard and keys in the ignition. He twisted the key and started up the car before tugging on his seatbelt and strapping himself in.

Hoseok begun to drive away, fingers tapping on the wheel to the beat of the song playing on the radio as he kept his focus on the road.

"Not now..." Hoseok murmured.

The song that had been playing previously has stopped and after it, played Our page by Shinee. He loved to listen to the song, it was good and the lyrics held so much meaning, but the song always made him cry no matter where or when it played.

He could already feel his eyes watering and a minute barely passed of the song. He hummed to it, hoping it would distract him from crying but if anything, it only made him want to cry more.


Hoseok had parked his car outside Jimin and Yoongi's apartment complex. He turned the engine off then grabbed his phone from the dashboard to send Jimin a quick text, letting him know that he was outside waiting for him.

He put his phone back in the holder then relaxed into the car seat, resting his head back and relaxing his shoulders which were once tense. He inhaled then exhaled slow, all in attempt to calm himself and try to be as normal as possible for the possibly awkward predicament himself and Jimin were going to be in.

"G'morning Hobi hyung!" Jimin greeted cheerfully.

"Morning Jimin." Hoseok greeted back, a small smile on his face.

Once he heard the door shut, he twisted the key in the ignition, starting up the car. He waited to the clicking of the passenger seatbelt before beginning to reverse out of his parking space then drive away.

"You're being awkward." The younger observed, squinting his eyes at Hoseok.

"No I'm not."

Hoseok knew he was lying and something told him that Jimin knew that just as well as he did. To begin with, he more or less told Jimin he was uncomfortable by calling him by his name. Most of the time, Hoseok called Jimin by endearing, snappy nicknames and only called him Jimin when he was utterly serious.

Jimin sighed. "I'm sorry about what you heard this morning. Yoongi said to just answer your call the first time around otherwise you'd blow up my phone."

"Jiminie, it's fine. Really." Hoseok breathed out as he noticeably gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"If you hold that wheel any tighter, it'll break off." Jimin deadpanned as he rested his hand on Hoseok's upper arm.

The older slightly jumped at the sudden contact. Without thinking, he shrugged his left shoulder which lead Jimin to remove his hand from his arm in the first place.


Hoseok tightened his jaw at Jimin's soft stutter.

"We showered after! I pinky promise!" Jimin exclaimed, his cheeks tainted with a light pink.

"Thanks for that useful information, Jimin. I'll definitely require it in the foreseeable future." He remarked sarcastically through his clenched teeth.

Hoseok pulled up outside of the youth centre where himself and Jimin both worked at.

His job there was only three times a week and was more like volunteer work since he wanted to do it, expecting no pay. The classes were free and if he happened to make a profit out of free classes, he'd feel bad for taking money from somewhere which was a safe haven for some young people.

"We're here." Hoseok announced.

It wasn't long after his announcement that he heard small sniffles coming from Jimin who was now wiping at his eyes with the sleeves of his top.

"P-please don't be m-mad at me hyung. 'M sorry!" Jimin spoke through his sniffles and cries.

Hoseok immediately felt terrible to replying to Jimin sarcastically. He knew that the younger was sensitive but he was too caught up in a burst of angered sadness.

"No, Minnie, don't apologise. Fuck, I'm such an asshole. I'm so sorry Min. I'm not mad at you, I could never be mad at you. Come here, sweets." Hoseok cooed.

Within seconds Jimin had climbed onto Hoseok's lap and had his arms wrapped around his neck while Hoseok's arms were around Jimin's waist.

"I'm sorry." Hoseok repeated, now a whisper with a kiss to Jimin's temple following the heartfelt apology.

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