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Not too long ago, Seokjin had left the kitchen to take the children to their neighbour who was kind enough to look after them for awhile. He felt as if a heavy weight rested upon his chest as he had to put up a front with the kid as he knew he couldn't let them see him as upset as he was.

When he came back, himself and Namjoon could barely look at each other. They felt equally as bad for causing Jungkook's sudden episode because of the news of their untimely divorce.

Neither of them had gone into the marriage thinking it could (could being a mere possibility) end in divorce. They thought they would be one of those couples who got on everyone's nerves because they were so loved up with one another. They wanted to be one of those couples that have been together for longer than they can remember who've remained in the honeymoon phase.

"What happened? Why are you doing this? I- I don't- I want to understand." Jungkook choked out, eyes darting between Seokjin and Namjoon.

Namjoon reached out to Jungkook and placed his hand in his shoulder as he moved back to lean on the dining table.

"Jungkook-ah... sometimes relationships have bad timing and it just doesn't work out the way you wanted it to. Sometimes the problem is with the couple themselves but other times, the relationship- it just breaks down without any applicable reason." He spoke, cautious of his words.

Jungkook looked down at his hands that rested in his lap and shook his head.

He gave an exasperated sigh. "What happened."

"Jungkook-" Seokjin started, but was cut off by the distraught younger.

"Just tell me what happened! You don't understand how hard this is for me! I didn't have an eomma or appa until I left the orphanage at eighteen! You are my parents- the people who love me more than anything, the ones who care for and nurtured me! Every- every time I'm down, or would cry myself to sleep, or I just need a hug- you were there."

Jungkook took a deep breath and looked up, eyes glossy with tears that were threatening to spill and flood his soft, sweet cheeks with the utmost despair that even the strong person could endure. He turned to look at Namjoon and blinked, his sadness finally spilling and radiating off of him so strongly that Namjoon and Seokjin could feel it and it was dangerously venomous. Their hearts clenched so hard they could practically feel their blood flow coming to a halt.

"Namjoon hyung, you were always the to give me the motivational talks that allowed to let go of all my fears and worries about the outer world so I could interact with others properly. You let me know that it was okay to be who I am! You said that it was always okay to cry- that I could cry even when I feel like I shouldn't. You told that if I cried for one thing, that I should never cry about it again because- because someone as sweet as me shouldn't be rendered depressed."

He let out a chesty cough as he felt himself choking on the thick lump in his throat that prevented him from completely coming undone. He took another deep breath before he found in within himself to now look at Seokjin.

"Seokjin hyung, you- you helped me through my anxiety when it was at its worst peak and even when it wasn't so bad, you were there to tell me everything was okay- that- that I had nothing to worry about because you were with me. You- y-you would tell me I was strong and give me kiss on my forehead and I just unravelled in your hold. You- you made me who I am and- and it hurts- it hurts so fucking much to even think about you two not being together because its tearing me in half. I don't know where to turn to because it feels like its either eomma or appa. I- I c-can't..." Jungkook trailed off with hot tears rushing down his cheeks and wetting his light wash jeans that darkened when his tears hit them.

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