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Despite Hyunwoo's warm introduction to Seokjin where he appeared to be confident, he had been quiet ever since he stepped foot into their home. He sat on the couch in the living room while Hyuntae played with Riyah on the floor. Soft giggles and gurgles sounded as Hyunwoo took in his surroundings. He shivered. This was now his life, the better life that he was going to have to adjust to.

"Boys? Lets have a little talk. I want to get to know you." Namjoon told them as he walked onto the living room.

Hyuntae looked up at Namjoon with sparkling eyes and a bright smile on his face. He nodded vigorously and stood to run over to Hyunwoo and sat on his lap.

"You okay?" Hyunwoo whispered to his younger brother.

"Mmhm." The little hummed amusingly.

Namjoon walked further into the vast room and lifted Riyah from the floor and held her at his hip bouncing her a little as her small hand grabbed a fistful of his shirt at the neckline. He sat on the end of the same couch Hyunwoo and Hyuntae were sat on and shot them a warm smile.

"I'm Kim Namjoon, one of your foster parents. You don't have to call me Appa if you don't want to, being a foster parent is only a term and you don't have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. I want you two to feel safe here because this is your home. Do you guys have any questions about anything? Don't be shy, I'm here for you support and guidance."

Hyuntae raised his hand and looked at Namjoon as he waited to be picked.

Namjoon chuckled at the action. "Hyuntae-ah, you don't need to raise your hand. You can speak whenever you want to."

Hyuntae's mouth formed a circle before he pursed his lips and and nodded. "Oh... w-well, because you're our new Appa does that mean that baby is our new sister?"

"Yes, she is. Her name is Riyah." He replied, as he bounced her on his leg.

"Wow, we- we have a sister! How old is she Appa?" He exclaimed excitedly while clapping.

Namjoon's heart swelled at Hyuntae calling him Appa. He was happy to see that Hyuntae had adjust so well and to already be considered as a father in his eyes made his heart so warm his eyes almost watered with immense joy.

"She's still very little Hyuntae. Riyah's one years old but she'll be turning two in a couple of months."

"Wow." He repeated staring at the little girl with utter amazement.

"How about you Hyunwoo? You seem very quiet." Namjoon spoke up as he made eye contact with him.

"I'm okay... just taking it all in. I just feels like my life has been put on fast forwards with everything happening and its finally being put on stop, but its at a random place." He explained, breaking eye contact every few seconds to think he words through.

"I'm sorry Hyunwoo. Life is hard and there not much we can do to change the course of our lives, but how you deal with it is what makes us human. If there's anything you want to talk about, just come to me and we'll have a heart to heart conversation. Now you're with myself and Seokjin, we'll always try to do what's best for you and Hyuntae."

Hyunwoo nodded and gave Namjoon a small smile. "Is... Is it alright if I call you hyung?"

"Yeah, of course. Just don't go calling me anything profane or I may just have to put you on the time out step." Namjoon joked with him, earning a light chuckle from the boy.

"I'm glad Hyuntae and I ended up with you and Seokjin hyung."

"Me too."

"Guys, the food is ready!" Seokjin called out from the kitchen.

"Well," Namjoon spoke as he stood from the couch. "That's our cue to go and eat."

Hyuntae jumped up from Hyunwoo's lap and ran to Namjoon who was standing at the doorway as he waited for the brothers follow behind him. Hyuntae interlocked his fingers with Namjoon and looked up at him with a wide grin.

Hyunwoo stood and walked behind Namjoon and Hyuntae as they made their way into the kitchen where the smell of various dishes hit their sinuses.

"Hyunwoo, Hyuntae. Come and sit over here." Seokjin directed, pulling the chairs out for them to sit on.

Hyuntae skipped to Seokjin and plopped himself down on the chair, leaving Seokjin to push him in underneath the table. Hyunwoo sat next to his younger brother and quietly waited for everyone else to be seated.

Seokjin took Riyah from Namjoon and put her in her high chair next to him. He jogged over to a draw to grab a bib and put it on his daughter before taking a seat himself.

"Hyunwoo-ah? Do you like Yukgaejang? Jimin told me you tend to be a picky eater."

"It depends on how it's prepared sometimes..." He muttered, looking at his hyung.

"I like it! I love Yukgaejang! Minnie hyung gave me some one day and it was so nice and- and I liked it ever since!" Hyuntae expressed with a beaming face.

Seokjin grinned. "That's great Hyuntae. I suppose you'll want a big big bowl of it then?"

The little boy nodded enthusiastically as his legs swung back and forth under the table.

Namjoon laughed at Hyuntae's behaviour and dished him up a small bowl of the soup. He decided that he wouldn't give him too much since he was only young and would haves smaller pallette despite him saying he wanted a lot.

"Would you like a taster? I assure you that my Yukgaejang is the best." Seokjin bragged making Hyunwoo break out into a series of small giggles as he nodded.

Seokjin grabbed a spoon from the table and spooned his own soup and stood up to feed Hyunwoo. Hyunwoo leaned forwards and opened his mouth to taste the soup and he was certain his taste buds were fondled by the various flavours he tasted.

"Do you like it?"

"Hyung... can I have a big, big bowl of soup please?" Hyunwoo asked, eyes wide with delight.

Seokjin ruffled the boys hair and smiled. "Of course you can."

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