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"Dada! Dada!" Jimin called out frantically.

Taehyung and Yoongi had left for Daegu quite a while ago and since they left, Hoseok had stayed upstairs staring up at the ceiling, thinking about how his relationship with Yoongi and Jimin would change now they all knew they shared the same feelings for one another. As he was in such a deep thought, he had completely forgotten about Jungkook and Jimin being left in his company for him to look after. They thought of them being little and unable to fend for themselves had slipped his mind altogether.

He quickly sat up upon hearing Jimin call out for him, his tone panicky and impatient.

The boy ran up the stairs with wide eyes. Once he was stood in front of Hoseok he keeled over, hands rested on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

"Jimin baby? What's wrong?" Hoseok questioned as he pushed himself off the bed and kneeled next to Jimin.

"Kookie is hurtin'. He started crying an' I didn't know what to do."

Hoseok sighed and pressed a soft kiss to Jimin's forehead. "Okay baby, its fine. You stay here while I go to Jungkook. Alright? Can you be a big boy for dada?"

Jimin could only nod as he pulled his knees up to his chest, searching for some type of comfort he could find within himself as Hoseok wasn't able to at the moment.

Hoseok stood from the floor and ran down the stairs to Jungkook's aid. When he reached the bottom of the staircase he found Jungkook sat in the living room, on the floor, as he sobbed quietly with a bright red face.

"Koo darling..." He called out to the distressed boy.

Jungkook jumped at the sound of his voice but he didn't stop crying. Hoseok slowly approached him and found himself sitting in front of him with his warm hand placed on his knee.

"Baby don't cry. It's okay. What's up, huh? You tired?" He spoke softly as he pulled Jungkook onto his crossed legs.

Jungkook curled up into his his body and buried his head in his chest. His sobs begun to louden as he acknowledged the attention Hoseok was paying to him. Hid eyes were squeezed shut as he let out a mantra of sobs as he fisted Hoseok's white t-shirt.

"Shhh Jungkookie. It's okay sweetie... it's all okay."

Hoseok rubbed and patted his back as he cried. He slowly rocked the boy in his hold and kissed the top of his head several times in order to calm him down.

"Da- Dada?" Jimin's soft voice called out from the stairs.

"What's up sugar plum?"

"I think Kookie tired..." He mumbled.

Hoseok gave a him a tight lipped smile. "Me too baby. Do me a favour and get a blanket from the bedroom."

Jimin nodded and ran back upstairs to do as he was asked.

"Come on Koo-ah. I think you need a long, long nap." He told him as he took Jungkook up in his arms and shuffled on his knees to the couch where he lay the boy.

Jungkook had now stopped crying. Hoseok was sure it was because he lost the energy to carry on sobbing as he did. He stroked Jungkook's soft, black hair and hummed to him, to help him fall asleep. The boy curled himself up into a small ball and stuck his thumb into his mouth— his eye half lidded, ready to fall asleep.

"Here go dada." Jimin whispering as he held the blanket out to Hoseok.

The older removed himself from Jungkook to stand and take the the blanket from Jimin, but not without giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

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