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so there really isn't much to write now... tbvfh, there's only about maybe five more chapters left of my actual storyline, so three part epilogue???

When Taehyung left Hoseok's home, Jimin took the liberty of going upstairs to meet Hoseok to find him sat on the edge of his bed, legs spree with his elbows rested on his strong thighs as his head was in his hands.

"Seokie? What's wrong?" Jimin questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

He advanced to his boyfriend and sat next to him, running his hand over his back, rubbing comforting circles.

Hoseok groaned. His hands ran down his face roughly as he sat up straight to look at Jimin. "Min-ah. I really didn't want to tell you without Yoongi hyung here, but I- I just can't keep this from either of you any longer," Hoseok looked away briefly before looking back at Jimin and holding his hands, thumb caressing the back of his hand. "I'm leaving for Japan in three weeks. They called when we were in Sokcho-si and said that if I was going to take the job, I needed to get to Japan within three weeks."

Jimin's breath hitched. His words were caught in his throat, leaving him with his mouth hung open, wanting to speak, but unable to find the courage to.

Hoseok eyes darted from eye to eye. He chewed his lip in anticipation for what was to come next and to his suprise, Jimin's face softened while he offered him a sweet smile.

"Seokie. That's great. I- I'm happy for you. You know?" He uttered.

"You're not mad? I know I should've told you guys as soon as I found out but I didn't want to break your hearts all over again. It huts to see even a hint of sadness in your eyes— like that. Min-ah, please, don't look at me like that."

Jimin diverted his attention to his lap as he blinked away the blossoming tears in his eyes. He didn't want to be without Hoseok when himself and Yoongi just got him. He didn't know how to be without Hoseok. Ever since he left the orphanage, he had been there. Even when he left for his trips during the summer, he was only gone for the maximum of three months but this was a job, and it was as his career. Hoseok's lifelong dream, and he knew, he couldn't be the person to suddenly take all he's worked for away from him.

Of course, he as saddened. Who knew when himself and Yoongi would be able to see him again? They had their own hectic lives that occupied majority of their lives. Jimin was wholeheartedly dedicated to his work as a social worker and Yoongi was just about as obsessed with composing and producing as he was with himself and Hoseok.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm happy for you... I really am." He choked out, a lump in his throat forming as he tried hard to prevent himself from crying.

"Baby no. Don't do that." Hoseok cooed as he cupped Jimin's face and lifted his head up.

In that moment, Jimin found himself unable to hold back and the first tear to tried to hard to stop from falling, fell. Hoseok drew in sharp breath and took the liberty of using his thumbs to wipe away his boyfriend's fallen tears. Hoseok hushed his quietly as he retracted his hands to wrap his arms around Jimin's small frame. Jimin clutched onto Hoseok's t-shirt and cried silently into his shoulder.

"Jimin. I love you, you know that. Even though I'll be miles away you'll always still be in my heart. You and Yoongi are my heart. I won't forget you baby. I know you fear me just getting up and leaving you, but I promise you now, I will never leave you in the dirt. You're so dear to me, how could I ever let go? Huh? You're stuck with me." Hoseok chuckled to himself as he turned his head to kiss Jimin's soft, wet cheek. "Baby, you just gotta look on the bright side. Korea and Japan are practically neighbors. If you wanted you could drive to see me. I'll never be that far away, and we can facetime. You'll get to see me and I'll be able to see my pretty babies. You and Yoongi will be absolutely fine without me being here."

Jimin pulled out of their tight, warm hug. He wiped his face dry and cleared his throat as he gazed at Hoseok with mass adoration and love.

"I love you Hoseok." He mustered as he sniffled.

"And I, you." He muttered as he leaned in to peck Jimin's lips, making him smile wide.

"Ah." Hoseok spoke up as he peered out of the window. "Yoongi's home."

Yoongi was in the middle of parking his car in the driveway when Hoseok noticed that he was back. Jimin stood up to look out of the window as well to see the car now parked and Yoongi getting out, looking as tired as ever. He chuckled while he patted his face softly, knowing his eyes were red and his face was most likely swollen.

Hoseok held his hand out to him which Jimin took, and he led them out of the bedroom and down the stairs to greet their boyfriend.

The door opened and Yoongi walked into the house but stopped when he saw Jimin and Hoseok stood their with bright smiles on their faces.

"Why are you standing here?" He deadpanned.

"Uh, baby, I have something to tell you." Hoseok spoke up as he walked closer to Yoongi.

He leaned into his face and pecked his lips twice which left Yoongi confused, but responsive.

"Either we're about to have the hottest threesome or you're about to tell me that you're leaving for Japan in three weeks."

Hoseok's jaw dropped slightly as he stared at Yoongi. "H-how?"

"I heard you on the phone when we were in Sokcho-si. Come on, you can't go into the echoey bathroom to take a call and expect that I won't hear your whole conversation." Yoongi rolled his eyes and he pushed Hoseok lightly.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because it wasn't for me to decide. I wanted you to tell us on your own terms." He raised his hand to Hoseok's cheek and grazed over his cheekbone with his thumb. "You don't need to say anything, baby. Okay? I already know how it is and trust me, Jimin and I can't wait to get out there to visit you. We'll fuck nonstop."

A deep pink blush casted over both Jimin and Hoseok's cheeks as they found themselves looking away from Yoongi in embarrassment as he laughed at their reactions.

"Let's cuddle on the couch." Yoongi took Hoseok's hand then walked up to Jimin to take his. "We've gotta catch up on Prison playbook."

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