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"Hobi. Hey, Hoseok-ah — get up." Yoongi mumbled out as he shook Hoseok's sleeping frame weakly.

Hoseok groaned and turned over, pulling Jimin into his warmth. He buried his face into the crook of Jimin's neck, inhaling his soft bergamot, citrus scent. He sighed before he pushed himself up from the mattress and turned back to face Yoongi through his half lidded eyes, barely awake as the brightness of the room invaded the comforting darkness sleep brought to him.

"Hm? What's wrong baby?" He questioned groggily.

Yoongi scratched at his veiny left wrist. He avoided making eye contact with Hoseok and drew in a deep breath, "I think you should go to Japan. Now. Like leave sometime this week. Jimin and I are baggage that are gonna stop you from perusing your dreams. Don't let us stop you. Please. Jimin wouldn't want you to stay because of us, and I definitely don't want to be a obstacle in the way of you achieving greatness."

Hoseok raised his hand to his forearm and scratched his arm for a few seconds.

"Yoongi baby, go to sleep. Let's talk a little later. I won't be leaving you and Jimin behind, maybe when you both are in a health mindset, but definitely not now, not today and never sometime this week." Hoseok blinked then brought his hand up to Yoongi's cheek and ran his thumb over his cheekbone. "Sleep. You need it."

"Seokie?" Jimin rasped out.

He groaned as he rolled over and pushed himself up to sit next to Hoseok, facing Yoongi who was quick to look away from him and at the sea of pillows that overflowed at the end of the bed.

"Baby, why are you up? Did we wake you? I'm sorry love." Hoseok asked before he pressed a soft kiss to the top of his sloven hair.

"No, I just couldn't sleep..." He mumbled as he cuddled into Hoseok's side.


The eldest man jumped at the sudden call of his name and his head snapped in Hoseok's direction.


Hoseok rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you woke me up at four in the morning and you're not even gonna speak to me. Speak to me. Speak to us. Better yet, speak to Jimin. Now. I'm not having you two in silence while I have to keep communicating between you like a fucking messenger. We're boyfriends, act like it already."

Jimin chewed his bottom lip hard. He released his lip and pursed them.

"Baby Min, go on." Hoseok encouraged softly.

"H-hello Yoongi. Did- did you sleep okay?"

Yoongi sighed as he pulled his knees to his chest and propped his chin atop of them.

"If we're just gonna do small talk I don't want to speak to you. Spare me of your bullshit." Yoongi muttered as he turned away from Jimin.

Hoseok clicked his tongue as he raised his hand and rubbed Yoongi's shoulder.

"That's it Yoongi. I'm going downstairs and if I need to, I'll sleep on the couch. You two need to sort out whatever rift is between you. Jimin-ah, make an effort and Yoongi, please just listen and respond. I know its hard for you, both of you, but you've been through so much already." Hoseok pushed himself up from the bed and pressed a kiss to Yoongi's cheek and then to Jimin's. "Don't let a petty argument be the breaking point of your relationship. Cause, like, where would that leave me?"

He stood from the bed and grabbed a pillow from the bed. He gave them a brief, tight-lipped smile before making his way down the stairs, leaving Jimin and Yoongi in the company of each other.

"I'm- I'm sorry I shouted at you..." Jimin spoke clearly but hesitantly.

Yoongi shook his head and muttered something under his breath. "If you're sorry then you meant it. If you didn't mean it then you wouldn't of had anything to be sorry about because you wouldn't have done it in the first place."

"Yoongi please," Jimin pleaded as he reached out and grabbed his slim arm. "I really am sorry. Believe me. I love you. I really really love you."

"What? I'm tired and right now, your voice is just about sending me to sleep."

Jimin begun to cry promptly. He gradually released Yoongi's arm from his hold and simply let go of his own restraints. He broke down in loud sobs and and gripped the bedsheets.

"What do you want me to do?! I can't Yoongi! I can't win with you!" He screamed as he wiped his wet face with the back of his hand.

"Maybe you should stop trying to win and just let it be. You think you're the only one with problems, but welcome to the real world Jimin. We all have problems."

"I don't think that Yoongi!" Jimin screeched as he slammed his hands down on the memory foam mattress.

Yoongi stifled a laugh and broke out into sarcastic, humourless smile. "Yeah?"

"Why are you being so- so mean to me? I just wanna help you. I-I just wanna be there for you but you keep pushing me away and you're making everything worse!"

Jimin brought his arm up to his face and dragged the back of his arm across his eyes to dry them. He blinked rapidly, trying to rid himself of the stinging sensation that was only worsening.

His mind wondered. He thought back to a happier time. A time where he awoke to his sleeping boyfriend and he could grin in excitement for the day to come. He would roll over from his side of the bed and cuddle onto Yoongi's side as he peered up at him a pressed soft, sweet, loving kisses to his collarbones which always seemed to wake him up  right away — Jimin was the coffee that he needs in the morning.

His lip begun to quiver as more tears welled up in his eyes. He blinked. He looked around rapidly. He bit his lip. But still, the tears fell despite his efforts.

Now, it was Yoongi turn. He sniffled a few times as he used the palm of his hand to wipe away his very few fallen tears. He ridded his tears from his face so quickly that there was barely any trace of them being there, but as quick as Yoongi was, Jimin was quicker in detecting his overwhelming sadness.

"I'm like you."

"No you're not."

"I am," Jimin took a deep breath. "We both feel sadness. We get mad. We cry. We feel happiness, not right now, but we feel it. The only things that set us apart are our psychological differences. Yoongi please, talk to me. I don't wanna fight with you anymore."

Yoongi shuffled to the edge of the bed and pushed himself up, his back facing Jimin.

"No." He spoke bluntly.

He turned to face Jimin with a deep scowl on his face. "Leave me alone Jimin. I'll talk to you when I'm ready and until then, don't show up in front of me."

With that being said, Yoongi marched away and down the set of stairs. He probably went to be with Hoseok for all Jimin knows but for now, he's given up and fallen into the deep pit of sorrow within.

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