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It had been around two hours since they had left Busan. Jimin, Hyunwoo and Hyuntae were now getting off the train and making their way to the car park where Jimin had left his car. The train journey had been quiet apart from Hyunwoo's loud snores as he slept on Jimin's shoulder. Hyuntae was sat on Jimin's lap as he leaned against his chest and hummed songs Hoseok had shown him quietly.

Hyunwoo had been suspiciously quiet ever since he had woken up from his nap and it worried Jimin. He wanted to bring it up and see if here was anything he could do to help, but at the same time, he didn't want risk smothering him to the point of making him uncomfortable as it would push him to act up; he understood that at the very least. After all, he had experienced the same thing once upon a time.

When he went to the Busan orphanage he was constantly surrounded by people who gave him the utmost care and attention, as if he were a rare, fragile piece of art. It annoyed him to no extent. All he wanted was to just forget and yet nobody around him would let him do that; his old wounds were reopened every single time he made every contact with someone else or anytime someone took extensive measures to be overly kind. Because of it, he felt like he had to no room to breathe and expressed himself in the only way he knew he could - he let that annoyance and anger out to the point where people tried to steer clear of him so they wouldn't be caught in the dangerous crossfire of his anger. Though, when Jungkook came to the orphanage, his doe eyes round with childlike wonder and curiosity, all his anger seemed to dissipate and he focused all his energy on making sure that the young boy didn't also go through any of the anger that he had experienced.

Jimin released a small sigh as he realised that the only way to deal with this situation was to let Hyunwoo come to him instead of chasing after an answer. That in itself was a risk, but it was a risk he was willing to take over alienating him because of his trauma.

As if Hyunwoo could read Jimin's thoughts, he suddenly spoke up - "Jimin hyung, are we going to your house?"

"Can we talk about this properly when we're in the car?" Jimin suggested as he slung his arm around Hyunwoo's shoulder, his hand slightly caressing his shoulder.

"So no." The boy mumbled out as he shrugged Jimin's arm off.

"Minnie hyung, why can't we live with you and Yoongi hyung?" Hyuntae asked as he pouted.

Jimin sighed as he took ahold of the brother's hands and pulled them to a side at the outdoors car park. He crouched and then looked up to talk to them.

"Guys, please. If I could, I would have you guys come and live with us but we can't. We can't give you the things you need because our home isn't practical for more than two people. I'm so sorry. I really wish I could've taken you in but it didn't work out that way."

Hyuntae stomped his foot on the ground and gave Jimin a sad look that broke his heart. "But we don't need everything hyung, we- we just wan' you and Yoon yoon hyung!"

"I'm sorry, Hyuntae. I'm sorry, Hyunwoo. You both know how much we love you but we just couldn't provide for you. We want you to have access to everything you deserve and more, and- and Yoongi and I are unable to do that for you. I promise you that we'll make the effort to see you on a regular basis but you just can't live with us." Jimin explained once again as he slightly teared up due to the brother's facial expressions.

"Can we just get in the car and go to wherever we need to go?" Hyunwoo muttered as he looked away from Jimin.

Jimin gave Hyunwoo a look full of sadness and hurt. Nonetheless he stood from his crouched position and lead the boys to where he parked the car with his back turned to them as he walked. He brought his hand up to his face and wiped his fallen tears quickly.

He unlocked the car and the boys got into the backseat. Jimin waited until the boy were in the car then got into the driver's seat. He strapped himself in then checked the rear view mirror to check if Hyunwoo and Hyuntae were strapped in. Once confirming it, he started the car up and took one last glance at the boys through the mirror before driving off.


"Jimin hyung? Where are we?" Hyunwoo asked.

Jimin turned the engine off once he was parked up outside of Seokjin and Namjoon's house. He turned in his seat to face Hyunwoo and gave him a small smile.

"Your new home."

Hyunwoo turned his head and looked out of the window. He glanced at the house then turned back to face Jimin with a scowl on his face.

"Why do we have to live with stupid snobs?" He growled as he glared at Jimin. "Why are you abandoning us?!"

Jimin was taken aback by Hyunwoo harsh tone and words. He wasn't expecting it, especially since he hadn't been so angry at Jimin since his father had been abusing him.

"Hyunwoo-ah, the family here are so loving and humble and down to earth. They are definitely not snob and most importantly, they won't judge you or Hyuntae. Ever. Everyone had problems of their own and just like you, they're just scraping by. Please understand this." Jimin tried to discuss calmly.

Hyunwoo only kicked the passenger seat and crossed his arms over his chest as he slouched in the seat.

"Bullshit." He spat.

"M-Minnie hy- hyung." Hyuntae stuttered out as his bottom lip quivered.

"Hyunwoo!" Jimin exclaimed, his seething irritation now reaching its boiling point. "Stop being so ungrateful! If Seokjin and Namjoon hadn't stepped in to foster you and Hyuntae you'd still be in that group home, miles and miles away from everyone and everything you've ever known! Do you not understand how lucky you are? To have somewhere to go where people will actually love you as if you're their own?! No, because you only care about what you what and not what's best."

By the end of his outburst Jimin had tears streaming down his cheeks. He was sad for Hyunwoo and sad for himself. He wanted Hyuntae and Hyunwoo to have the life he always dreamed of having. He wanted them to grow up being loved, cared for and sheltered accordingly. For Hyunwoo to throw all his efforts back in his face was as if he was being kicked when he was already down.

"Hyuntae-ah, get out of the car. Let's go and greet your foster parents." Jimin spoke as he wiped his tears away once again.

Jimin unbuckled his seatbelt then pushed the door open and stepped out of his car, closing the door behind himself. He then opened the backseat door and unbuckled Hyuntae then lifted him up into his arms.

"Join us inside when you've dropped that attitude." Jimin muttered to Hyunwoo without making eye contact.

He closed the car door then hoisted Hyuntae up and made his way to the couple's house. Hyuntae pouted as he stared at his hyung's face.

"Minnie hyung, don' cry. I love you even if Woo woo is a meanie." Hyuntae spoke softly before kissing his cheek.

Jimin looked at Hyuntae and raised his free hand to stroke the young boy's cheek with the back of his hand.

"My little angel. What did I ever do to deserve you?"

Hyuntae giggled and hid his face in the crook of Jimin's neck where he blew raspberries on his neck which made Jimin laugh loudly. Hyuntae raised his head and joined his hyung in a fit of laughter.

"I love you Minnie."

Jimin smiled and pecked Hyuntae's cheek. "I love you more, my little man."

Jimin knocked on the front door then stepped back as he waited for his hyung's to answer the door. After waiting for a few seconds, the door opened and Hyuntae and Jimin were met by Namjoon, who was holding Riyah and Seokjin with wide, bright smiles on their faces.

"Hi Hyuntae, welcome home." Seokjin spoke up.

Hyuntae turned his head to face Jimin and put his hands around Jimin's ears as he brought his head closer.

"I think 'm gonna like it here." The little boy whispered.

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