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"Merry Christmas!" Jimin shouted as he ran down the stairs, a huge grin on his face.

Hoseok looked up and smiled at Jimin.

"Merry Christmas Min-ah."

Hoseok had continuously woken up during the night to Riyah's loud cries. He kept her in his room as she slept in a moses basket next to his bed. He had to rock the one year old to sleep as he lost valuable time he could've spent sleeping.

Truth be told, he'd rather lose sleep than have Riyah with Seokjin who was incapable for even looking after himself right now. He knew that his and Namjoon's argument took a ghastly toll on both of them as they both were away from oneself.

Seokjin was completely out of it— he'd usually spend his time helping others, cracking bad dad jokes, spending precious time with his daughter yet, yesterday, he couldn't even look at Riyah nor speak to anyone. He just cried, and it pained Hoseok to see his hyung in that kind of state.

Namjoon was far from himself— after his and Seokjin's argument, all Hoseok saw was him take himself off. He took the car, without a for how Riyah or Seokjin were. It wasn't until Hoseok returned home that he saw that Namjoon had taken himself to a club. He doesn't like to be surrounded with alcohol and drunks too much as he values having clear, calculated thoughts so for him to do that, was unlike him.

"Hoseok-ssi, can I hold Riyah?" Jimin asked as he advanced towards them.

"Sure, but I have to feed her." Hoseok explained making Jimin nod.

He held his arms out to his hyung so Hoseok could hand Riyah over to him. Hoseok kissed Riyah's forehead before giving her to Jimin.

"Hey baby girl~" He sing-songed as he peppered kisses over the one year olds face.

Hoseok made his way to the kitchen where he grabbed a a baby fork and a plate with the tomato and basil omelette he made for Riyah. He left it on the side for it to cool down so she wouldn't burn herself.

"Riyah~, Seokie's back with your food. Doesn't that look yummy."

Hoseok sat next to Jimin so he turned to face his hyung. Hoseok cut a piece of the omelette off for Riyah and stabbed it with the fork.

Hoseok gasped "Riy, look. Airplane!"

Riyah's eyes followed the food on the fork and when it came closer to her mouth she opened wide and Hoseok was able to put it in her mouth.

"Well done baby girl." Jimin praised as he pecked the top of her head.

"Another airplane, little one."

Hoseok smiled as he saw Riyah eating. When she had woken up during the middle of the night, she wouldn't stop wailing. He had no idea what to do so he searched the internet for help rather than call Seokjin, knowing that he had been through enough.

He figured she missed her parents as Seokjin had told him in the past that she hardly cried during the night. He fed her warm milk which helped her doze off until around 8am this morning when she woke up crying.

"Almost done Riy, three more airplanes to go."

"Hyung?" Jimin called out.

"Hm? What's up?"

Jiminy blushed. "You're really good with kids."

Hoseok winked at him causing Jimin's face to redden from the light pink shade it had previously been.

The two were so enticed in making sure Riyah ate that they hadn't noticed Yoongi walk into the living room.

The older man stared at the pair as they babied Riyah, smiling and chuckling away. He tilted his head as he look at Hoseok. He looked so relaxed— it was odd as he was always stressed about something whether it was choreography, dates for his workshops, helping his students or the whole Japan fiasco.

He grinned at Hoseok as his laughter sounded. Just as he had felt the night Hoseok came to pick him up from the park after his and Jimin's argument— his heartstrings were being tugged at.

He clutched his chest. "What is this?"

"Oh- Yoongi hyung! Merry Christmas!" Hoseok spoke up, a grin on his face as he radiated happiness.

"Y-yeah... Merry- Merry Christmas."

Jimin giggled. "Hyung, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

Yoongi looked up at Jimin, staring into his eyes but he looked away quickly. He felt guilty. He felt guilty for looking at anyone else but Jimin, the man he's been with for three years, coming up to four next year.

If he looked Jimin in the eye, he would constantly feel like he was lying to him, like he was being unfaithful to him though not even he knew what it was exactly he felt for Hoseok.

But he knew the feeling, he knew the feeling all to well as it was what he felt when he developed a crush on Jimin.

"Something like that..."

"I could make you coffee if you'd like? It's no trouble since I just finished feeding Riy."

Yoongi's voice was stuck in his throat. He didn't trust his voice, he could speak to Hoseok at this moment in time so he stuck to nodding.

Hoseok stood from the couch, picked up the empty plate and fork then made his way into the kitchen area where he put the dirty dish and fork into the sink. He grabbed a coffee mug and put it on the coffee maker before pressing the settings.

"Is a cappuccino okay?"

Yoongi nodded.

Hoseok chuckled. "You're quiet this morning. Still shaken about what happened yesterday?"

"Something like that..." He repeated.

Hoseok gave him an odd stare but didn't address his hyung about the matter.

"Can I open my presents?" Jimin asked Hoseok and Yoongi.

His eyes darted between the two as Hoseok had a wide smile on his face while Yoongi gave him a look he couldn't read, and he wasn't looking directly at him.

"Go ahead— some of them are for you when you're in little space but I hope you'll still like them." Hoseok commented.

"I'll love them all hyung. I'm sure."

Hoseok took the mug from the coffee maker and put in in front of Yoongi as he sat at the breakfast bar, head in his hands. Hoseok rested his hand on Yoongi's which made the older man jump and look at him with widened eyes.

"Hyung... Are you okay? Your face is paler than usual."

Yoongi nodded. "Fine... I'm fine."


@ me after i heard promise

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@ me after i heard promise

and namjin? let them work it out or one way ticket to breaking the fuck up?

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