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"Sungmin get the baby! Why would you leave him unattended to?! You fucking crazy jerk!" Jiyoung screamed at her negligent husband.

Sungmin groaned and turned to his wife, his seething anger prevalent on his face. "Why do I have to do everything? Why?! Is it my fault I'm the only one caring for our child?!"

"It's your fault our son could even get to my medication- fucking stop him already!"

Sungmin huffed and bent down to Jeongguk and pulled the medication from him. The boy managed to open the bottle so Sungmin had to scoop up the fallen pills and scoop them back into the bottle and threw it on the couch.

"You're so useless in our sons life." Sungmin lifted Jeongguk and sat him on his hip. "You can't even be a mother to him."

"What," Jiyoung spat. "It's my fault I have this disease?"

Sungmin drew in and deep breath and with his free hand he ran his hand through his hair and shook his head.

"No. No, honey, I didn't mean it. I'm just- I'm stressed. Okay? I don't know how we're even going to make it this month. Your medical bills just keep piling up and our other bills and food- it's too much Jiyoung." Sungmin looked down at their innocent son who looked up at him with wide, watery, doe eyes.

Jiyoung could only look down at her legs with watery eyes filled with hatred for her horrible disease. She wished she could make it leave her body but, of course she couldn't.

"Hey Jeonggukie," Sungmin bounced Jeongguk on his hip to calm him down. "Don't cry, okay? Eomma and Appa are sorry for shouting. We love you, our little miracle."

"Appa, what's happening?" Little Jeongguk asked, eyes darting between his mother and father.

Before Sungmin could even respond, Jeongguk begun to cry. His sons were loud and pained at the despair and pain in the room. He could feel the uncomfortable atmosphere his parents created and it hurt him plenty.

Jiyoung finally lifted her head and wiped her fallen tears. "Sungmin, give me Jeongguk."

"I got it, okay?"

"Give me my fucking child!"

"Why do you want him now huh? You never want him at any other time!"

"Yes I do! I do..." Her voice trailed off as her tiredness racked her body and reduced her to tears.

She wished she could run to her baby, she wished she could hold her baby whenever she wanted, she wished she could play with her son like other mother's could; however, she was banished to the confinements of her wheelchair. She was diagnosed with lupus while carrying her baby boy, Jeongguk. In fact, it was near to a miracle that herself and Sungmin were able to conceive him.

The couple had been trying for a baby for around two years prior to when Jeongguk was born. They thought it to be impossible and stopped trying, but two months down the line they found out they were pregnant with their precious son. Times had been tough, but they were able to face the trials together.

However when Jiyoung was diagnosed with lupus, their relationship became rocky with raised tensions which led Jeongguk to be premature by two months. Their son, Jeon Jeongguk was born September 1st and on that day, it was solemn. They had been told to prepare for the worst but Jeongguk was a fighter an lived to be their miracle child.

The couple knew that dealing with a baby and Jiyoung's lupus would be hard but they loved each other and believed they could do it. They really did and they tried, but there was only so much they could do.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on their door. Sungmin looked to the door and sighed. He assumed it was their neighbours complaining about the noise yet again. He was surprised they hadn't been driven out with how many complaints they received. But, they probably pitied them since they had a child to take care of.

Sungmin walked up to Jiyoung and handed Jeongguk over to her. The child cried in his mother's embrace. The mother and son cried together, both wanting to pacify each other but their own sadness clouded their minds. Sungmin stormed to the door and pulled it open to reveal two policemen and a woman dressed formally.

"Hello, I'm Song Jihye from Child Protection Services. I'd like to talk to you about the safety of your child, Jeon Jeongguk. Can we come in?"

And just like that, Sungmin and Jiyoung's life fell apart and their child, Jeongguk was taken from them with so little they could do to prevent it. They would be lying if they hadn't thought of giving up Jeongguk to give him a better life, but it wouldn't pained a little less if they had done it on their own terms rather than having their little miracle snatched from their care.

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