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It isn't always easy to stand, sometimes it takes all you have not to fall shaking to your knees. But yet we do it, we try, and despite our broken wings we learn to fly.

It isn't easy but the pain that we face along the way and the roadblocks we have to pass to get to our destination are all part of the journey.

Sometimes we have to do things the hard way in order to learn. We may stumble every now and again but we will eventually regain our balance and stand tall once again. We are stronger than we give ourselves credit for.

Not always, because everyone has their moments of weakness, but when it counts we will be ready. We will face our demons head on and refuse to retreat, to give in, until we beat them.

It may take time but it will be worth every moment because it teaches us that we CAN. We are capable and strong.

With Broken Wings (2013)Where stories live. Discover now