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My wings are broken

You've got none at all

Feeling so trapped here

Lost in my thoughts

There's no escape from the dark

Because the light at the end of the tunnel

Is up too high

And I can't seem to remember how to fly

Stuck here waiting for high tide

To come and swallow me whole

I know how to swim just fine

But who needs oxygen

When you've been suffocating

For so long

I'm not sure I even know how to breathe anymore

I haven't forgotten


Perhaps I just don't want to

Sometimes we don't need saving

Because we're so used to the pain

That anything but suffering is foreign

And trying just makes me so tired

That I let it win all over again

Maybe this is hell

Or maybe I've just forgotten about heaven

But either way

It's not so bad

With Broken Wings (2013)Where stories live. Discover now