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  • Dedicated to J.W.G

Thank you, for everything you've done for me even when I didn't deserve it. You were the light in our lives and though you sometimes drove me nuts, I loved you with all of my heart. If love could have saved you, you never would have died. Tu me manques. Ne Oublie. <3

Please, stay a moment

sit and talk with me

I'm not ready to lose you yet

to let you go and to forget

It's eating me alive

from the inside out

to see you melting away

to watch you falling apart

and know that there's nothing I can do

or say to make things easier

that I can't just make this go away

watching the others all suffer

the pain in their eyes

hidden behind forced smiles

as they try to get by

it hurts

to know that they're all living

the same nightmare

and that I can't take their pain away

I hate watching you fade away

knowing that we can't stop it

that things aren't going to be okay

school is the last thing on my mind

exams are less important than being here with you

getting a chance to say goodbye 

and being there until your last breath

because support is all I can offer

comfort is all I can do

hoping for the best won't change the outcome

we all know the end is coming

the least I can do

is offer you my love

give you my whole beating heart

and hope you know how much you mean

because there's not much else to do

I can't believe that this is happening

that this life is real and mine

this was something I'd never imagined

a pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy 

but now have found myself facing

I have no choice but to try and stay strong

hide the tears behind the mask

give all the hugs that I can manage

and hope like hell that you'll last a bit longer

so that we can all give you one last kiss goodbye

I want to end the suffering

you won't admit to going through

but I'm afraid of what will happen

afraid of losing you

things won't ever be the same

and that's hard to except

With Broken Wings (2013)Where stories live. Discover now