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With broken wings

You can't learn to fly

With broken wings

You can't touch the sky

With broken wings

You can't leave the ground

With broken wings

You are bound

But you can still make a difference. And you can still be so much more than you give yourself credit for.

We're human, we're fragile, we make our share of mistakes. We learn and we love and we lose. That's the way life works. Only no one tells us how hard that can be until it's too late.

We can't prepare for something we don't know about. Some things are inevitable but that doesn't mean that knowing they are coming makes them hurt any less.

We're all a little bit cracked, the only difference is that even with these cracks, broken wings, some of us learn to fly while yet others simply give up and fall.

Sometimes the pain overwhelms us and we falter for a moment but we can't afford to give up. We may get lost along the way, somewhere in our journey to being healed, but we will always find our way back. Sooner or later we learn how much of a gift it is to fly when we can soar no longer.

How much we took it for granted when our bodies no longer graze the sky. But still we cannot afford to fall. We will push through, past, the pain and we will get stronger because of it but we will always remember this moment.

It won't be easy but we will try because we have no other choice. With broken wings we will learn to fly. Not out of choice, but out if necessity.

With Broken Wings (2013)Where stories live. Discover now