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Hakeem's P.O.V

Not long after I went to see Belle with the help of my friends i proposed to her in a beautiful restaurant in Abuja. We had our wedding few weeks after in a private ceremony with family and friends. It was the happiest day of my life.

Now back to the present, Belle's water broke this morning and we have been in the hospital for over 4hours now.

The pain women face to birth life is appalling and i wish i could share out of it to ease her but i can't. So i am here scared but trying to be strong for my baby.

The doctor has come to check now and he said she is ready. The moment has come.
I stood beside Belle holding her hands as she pushed.

"Push! PUSH!!" the doctor said to Belle.

I heard the most traumatizing sound in my life as Belle pushed with all her strength while almost breaking the bones in my finger, then i heard the cry, my baby's cry, our baby..

A nurse went to clean the baby and to document some things, while i remained with Belle as the doctor cleaned her up

Not too long the nurse brought our baby, wrapped up and gave him to me. And i heard Belle's exhausted voice "How is he?"

"He's perfect baby, you did it" i said with pride and love.
I gave him to her as she cradled him in her arms with love written all over our face.

I asked her "Have you picked any name in particular?"

"I have, if you do not mind?" She replied without looking up at me.

"Tell me babe" i said

"Jamaldeen, do you like it?" She said now looking at me, a smile on her face

"I love the name Belle" i bent down to kiss her on the forehead and said to our son

"Hello Jamal"

In my heart i kept on praising Allah, He has done more than i ever imagined.


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