Chapter 18

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Sorry for the late update guys
I promise to update more often
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Here  goes nothing guys, hope you enjoy it

Hakeem's P.O.V

I sat in my office weeping my heart out, whilst my phone kept on ringing. I didn't care if it was about business, all i know is i can't pick it, I'm not in the right frame of mind to hold a conversation, no matter how short.

It might seem unmanly to cry but i am very emotional and i had to get all the pain out.

Is that how much she loathe me? Did I mean so little to her that she felt she owed me no explanation? Who just up and leaves without letting one know about it?

I dragged mself off the chair i sat in and headed for my small toilet. I went to the basin and looked up in the mirror before me. My eyes was bloodshot, my hair rough, in all i was a mess.

I tugged my tie, loosening it and unbuttoned my shirt to my chest. I washed my face with water from the basin and walked out the toilet.

I sat in my couch, thinking of Belle, Belle..... i remember all the memories. I was waiting for the right time when i should have just told her how i felt.

I didn't know how long i sat there thinking of Belle, maybe for hours or minutes, i wasn't sure. Zubby came in without a knock, he came to sit beside me on the couch without saying a word, he just pat me on the back.

I get the message in his gesture clearly, He wanted me to be strong but i know i can't. how could I? I lost my soul with Belle?

After sitting in silence for minutes, Zubby finally suggested we go out, probably to his place till I am fine. I declined his offer, preferring to be alone at the moment.

He drove me home in my car and once we got to my place, i bid him bye at the gate not bothering to invite him in, it was wrong and rude but i was not in the mood for company anyways.

I went straight to my room, got out of my clothes and headed for the shower, i need one badly. I spent a long time under the shower, letting the water wash away my pains and hurts. My skin felt raw from the hot pelts of the shower, knowing my skin could take no more, i got out, dried myself and got into bed, naked.

I woke up to the sun setting, went to get food in the kitchen but i couldn't get a bite down. I disposed the food, washed the plate and decided to check my phone. I had several missed calls and messages, most from Aliyyah and Zubby.

I know they are trying to be there for me but right now i need to be alone, to clear my head and decide the next step.

No matter how i think about Belle something tells me, i have to find her, that she needs me. Maybe it is my heart in denial, but it was getting harder to shake it off.

I checked the time, it is past 9pm, i got dressed in a short and T-shirt, took my car key and left for Belle's house. I remember her telling me she had a roommate, maybe the roommate will be willing to let me in and i will have the chance to talk to Belle. The roommate might not be home yet but i was willing to wait till she got in and if she had slept before i get there, well....i would just try again.

I got to Belle's house, in record time. I was let in by the security guy and i went to her door.

It was locked from the inside but i could still see the lights on. I knocked on the door, no respense, i knocked again and again, still no response. I was about giving up to try later when the door flew open.

A girl about Belle's age stood staring at me, she is very fair in complexion, pretty, shorter than Belle but still beautiful.

She was starring at me with a raised eyebrow, no doubt wondering what a stranger was doing, knocking her door by this time of the night.

"Hey there, you must be Belle's friend, her roommate?" I said quickly before she changed her mind and shut the door in my face.

"Hello, yes and who are you, if i may ask?" She said with a smile that only made her more beautiful, i hope she gets a man that knows her worth.

"I am Hakeem, Belle's friend and boss" i said, immediately the smile on her face disappeared replaced with a scowl.

There goes my chance...

"So?....." she said looking like she was contemplating murder.

"I am here to see Belle, she hasn't resumed work for a while now and she doesn't pick her calls. Though my HR said she turned in her resignation letter but still as a friend i have to see her. It all happened suddenly and i feel there's more to it" I know i am rambling but i had to convince her i care.

Of course i wanted to tell her how close i was to Belle but i was trying to be careful as she might not be close to this her friend to divulge our past with her.

"Okay, I'm telling you this once because i will never repeat myself. Belle has relocated, she is not here anymore. Now goodnight Mr Hakeem". She turned and shut the door in my face without waiting for my reply.


I stood there for a minute trying to process what just happened but all i could think of was, Belle must have told her about us. And whatever she said, i am sure it is not good.

When did Belle move out of her house? Where did she relocate to? And why did she?

I decided to leave and try later. Maybe the roommate will be in a better mood to explain when i visit again.

Through my journey home, all i could think of was what Belle's friend told me, she didn't even bother telling me her name.

What must have prompted Belle to relocate? We had sex, no, made love but she said she was cool with it.

The more i thought about it, i know i had to get to the end of this matter. Something must have made Belle decide to run, yes that was it, she ran, but even if it took my last breath, i will find her and when i do, she is never leaving me again.

Never again.

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