Chapter 21

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Hakeem's P.O.V

I went straight to my house in abuja without informing ny friends i was back. It was embarrassing enough telling them Belle ran from me, now to tell them she was pregnant for another man....

I took out a can of Beer and drank out of it, i finished it in two gulps. I took another one same, and i moved to the third one quickly. I need to get drunk to numb the pain i was feeling. on earth did i deserve all this?

Tears threatened to fall but i held it back determinedly, i wasn't going to waste any tears on Belle anymore.

I drank till i was on the verge of nausea, it was late evening then, I had to leave my house before i do something i will regret, something stupid like calling Belle to let me father her child, anything just to be with her.

I booked a taxi, i know better than to drive while drunk. Soon I was heading to Ify's house. I know i could have easily gone to Zubby's place but i didn't want my friend to see me moping around for a woman that has clearly moved on.

I knocked on Ify's door, luckily for me she was in. I met Ify half asleep and she had a look that said "this better be good". I know i look like a mess but seeing Ify scrunched up face made me realise i am worse than i think.

Ify invited me in and we sat on her sofa. She was tired but she sat with me, we were both staring into space. All i could see was Belle, her look of surprise, realisation......then fear?...Something kept telling me i was missing a crucial point but i couldn't place it, it kept eluding me....

Then it came all of a sudden...Belle...she was scared when she saw she had something to hide.  Obviously she had to hide the pregnency from me...

Wait!!!! Belle is pregnant, I met her a virgin....we had sex like 6 months ago....Ya Allah...

I sat up abruptly, i could see Ify already sleeping, snoring gently beside me, she looked at peace but i have to wake her. She is the final piece to solving this puzzle. I tapped her slightly and she woke up with a frown.

"What now Hakeem? Can't a girl get a decent sleep?" She said her voice sounding hoarse from sleep.

"Well you will if you answer this question, just a 'yes' or 'no' will do. Ify am I Belle's unborn baby father?"

Ify was looking confused, of all the looks i was expecting this was way off my expectation. Then she replied "Hmmhmm"

I can't be hearing this right, "That's all you have to say?"

"What else do you want me to say?" Ify said.

"Really...i don't deserve some kind of explanation? How long were you both going to keep this from me? Like you both think you can raise MY child without me knowing?" I had a thousand questions to ask but Ify is not to blame it all comes back to Belle..Belle.

"Hakeem, hold up, why did you think i sent you to Lagos? Why did you think i told you to try settle things with Belle? And how do you expect her to tell you she fell pregnant when you are engaged to another woman?" Ify asked, sleep clearly out of her eyes now and anger barely hidden from the surface.

How do i explain all this? How do i explain that I and the woman i love went through all this pain just because i wanted to get my parents off my back for awhile?

I looked Ify dead in the eyes and decided i had to tell her everything, she deserves to know, if i can't convince her then i have no chance with Belle.
" Ify, you need to know all that happened and i will make you know tonight. You see Aliyyah and I aren't really engaged....." and i explained it all to Ify.
She was shocked to say the least but i was tense all through. I needed her to believe me if i want to have another chance with Belle. 

"So you mean to say you deceived your parent to believe you are with Aliyyah just so you could be with Belle but the same Belle left you so you could be with Aliyyah...." then she burst into laughter.


"Well if you quit laughing you might actually help me win my love back" i said getting irritated now.

"Oh! Sorry its just funny you know. Well its as simple as it is, you go to Lagos to get your woman but this time around before you go you have to make things right with your parents. Maybe they will be understanding after all" Ify said shruggging. I doubt if my parents will be understanding but I'll be damned if i have to let go of Belle and my child just to please them.

I said a breif goodbye to Ify and left for my house. I need to make a serious call to my parents the deceit is off.

I got home early enough to call my parents, it was a serious conversation and a lengthy one. My dad was disappointed and mum was hurt, to say the least of it.  They felt bad i couldn't tell them i had a woman i love. They felt i thought they were overbearing and insensitive.  I had to apologise over and over and to reassure them i know they love me and that i do as well.
Mum's hurt was easily replaced with joy when she heard she was a grandma-to-be.
They both gave me their blessings and wished me luck in winning Belle's heart back. They also promised to call Aliyyah's parents to explain things to them. Funny thing is until they brought up the issue i never thought of calling Aliyyah to let her know our act is out.

I called Aliyyah, she was ecstatic  and she said something along the line of ' I knew you guys were meant to be". She wished me luck and told me Zubby has been asking her out on a date but she couldn't because of our fake engagement and what the press would do with such information.

I gave her my blessings and told her i would inform my PRO to tell the public our engagement is off.

Now that all is settled here in Abuja, I'm left with the most important thing and that is convincing Belle to be mine.

It will have to wait till tommorrow though as it was too late to do anything again tonight. I took a long shower and went to bed. I needed rest, its been long i had a deep relaxing sleep and i intend on getting one tonight.

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