Chapter 20

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Hakeem's P.O.V

I got to Lagos late on friday night and lodged in an hotel close to the address Ify gave me. Funny how circumstance has made us friends, Ify has been a good friend and i know how much she risked in giving me Belle's address, i can't ruin this chance.

I slept that night and decided to visit my office branch in lagos the following day. It is a weekend but few of my staff had been informed earlier to come in for a brief meeting with me.

After the meeting, i took a BMW from my company cars to use during my stay in Lagos. I am hoping i wouldn't stay long but i am willing to stay as long as it takes to convince Belle to come back into my life.

I traced the address to Belle's home, it is situated in a modest estate. The buildings were similar with simple structures and class. It didn't scream wealth but it told comfort.

I wanted to go in but i decided against it.

What would i tell Belle when i get in? Will she even allow me in once she discover's it's me?

I waited outside the gate waiting for any sign of life in the house. Nothing happened. I parked my car in the street and sat there for hours waiting for anyone or anything to come out of the house.

It wasn't until evening, when i saw a car drive by. It stopped at the gate and i saw a young boy get down to open the gate and the car drove in.

I waited for another hour hoping to see Belle or anybody come out again but no one came out.

I decide to drive home and try again the following day.

I came midmorning, waiting to see any sign of movement again. I sat for about two hours, i was about giving up when i saw the same car i saw the last time drive by.

The same boy got down to open the gate, immedjately the car drove in, i followed inside too.

The boy locked the gate and the occupants of the car got down.

First a woman who looked to be in her late forties came out, then the lady i was here for, Belle.

I was still sitting in my car, the three of them neared my car looking in confusion.

I cut my engine and came out. Immediately i stepped out Belle, looked at me and swayed. Her mum was quick to catch her.

I made a move to help but her eyes told me it wasn't the best idea. This woman must be a soldier.

She assisted Belle in and she gave me a look that said 'stay right there'. I didn't move a muscle till she got back.

The brother was sent in to see to his sister's need. Once we were alone her mum came closer and said to me.

"Good afternoon, and who are you?" Her voice only confirmed my thoughts, she is a soldier

"Good afternoon ma, I am Hakeem, Belle's friend and former Boss" I said trying to sound unintimidated.

"Okay, so why are you here?" She asked with irritation.

Well, she must have told her mum about me....bad...very bad.....

"I need to talk to Belle ma. I know you may believe its not the best but i really need to see her ma. Please i beg of you" I said pleading with my eyes.

She was silent for a while, pondering my request before she replied in a voice almost intimidating.

"Okay, you can come in but if i sense any distress, i will throw you out" and with that she turned around, heading inside the house. I followed suite, hoping to God that Belle would allow me talk to her.

We got in the house and i barely took in the decor. Belle was seated on a couch with her brother beside her.

Her mum excused berself and her son to the room, leaving I and Belle alone in the sitting room. It had a simple decor and looked comfortable.

Belle wouldn't look at me in the eyes so i was forced to break the silence.

"Belle, what happened?" I asked her.

She turned to look at me and for the first time in a while i could admire her beautiful face. She looked soo beautiful, almost ethereal, she was glowing, her skin so smooth it was shining.

She stood up to move away from me, almost walking out. I couldn't let her, so i grabbed her hands, trying to hold her. We were so close together and i had to look her over again.

It seemed unreal, i never thought i would see her again not to talk of hold her in my hands.

I pulled her close for a hug, i was holding unto her like a lifeline when i felt something like a bulge pressing against me.

I held her from me and looked down, it was then i noticed the bump in her stomach. How could i miss it? It was literally there for the whole world to see.

I looked at her with questions in my eyes, could it be?

I was angry now, how could she? Who owns it? Obviously the pregnancy isn't mine.

She looked at me with accussations in her eyes.

Is she blaming me?

I decided to ask then though i was sure of the answer
" Belle, are you pregnant?"

She only looked at me like i was a fool, i guess i am.

"Belle, please tell me how far are you along?"

I know we didn't use a protection that night, but i doubt if a one time can lead to pregnancy. If she opens up about the months, i could verify if the pregnancy is mine.

"Why should I?" She asked, the first word she ever said to me since i came here.

"Then will you tell me who owns it? Because i know it's not mine, it can't be. Belle, it was just that one time" i said anger lacing my voice. The thought of Belle with another man was killing me.

"No you are not and if that is all you have to say, you can go now. And please never show your face to me again. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. Now, GET OUT" she said furiously.

What?! Is she seriously mad at me right now? Well,  since she said it herself....

I walked out without saying a word and went to my car. I saw her brother running to help me open the gate. I drove out with so much anger i was surprised how i got to my hotel room safe.

I am done with all this chase. She does not want me and to think she got pregnant for another man.....maybe that was why she relocated, to avoid me.

I drove straight to the airport and called one of my staff to come pick my car. I booked the next flight to Abuja, I have to forget about Belle now. She is gone for good.

So am I.

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