Chapter 14

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Belle's POV

I want today to be about me, consequences be damned!.

Hakeem was still kissing me, i opened my mouth for him to deepen the kiss. Our tongues wrestled for dominance but i gladly let him win. He stroked the inside of my mouth with his tongue, he is soo skilful.

He moved his hands from my back to rest on my breast and he gently caressed it through the t-shirt. He used his thumb to gently flick my nipple which was now standing erect, i moaned out loud at the effect but my moan was stifled with his mouth still on mine.

His lips left my mouth and started trailing kisses on my neck, my cheek, my ear lobes, all the while he was still caressing my breast. He gently lifted my shirt till it was off my ahoulders, i quickly slipped out of it. And he returned to kissing my lips, then he started trailing a path down to my chest, my cleavage, the side of my breast and then he circled his tongue on my nipple and sucked it.

I moaned out loud, his other hand was on my othe breast, still caressing it. He sucked harder now and i didn't know when i used my hand to push his head to go harder. My hands had already started roaming his body, i could feel his abs and muscles. My hand slightly brushed the bulge in his pants and he groaned.

He suddenly stopped and looked me dead serious in the eye, i was confused so i had to ask

" What happened?" My voice was a harsh whisper

"Belle, if you know you are not ready for this, please tell me to stop now and i would. Because if i don't stop now, i do not know if i would be able to after now" he said.

I could see the lust in his eyes and his dwindling control over it. He must really care about me to ask. I am a virgin but i know i had to do this, my first man had to be someone i loved.

I looked him in the eye and said "I want you Hakeem"

He groaned in reply, then got up and carried me bridal-style upstairs. We passed my room and i was sure he was taking me to his room.

He gently dropped me on my feet and locked the door behind us.
I guess there's no going back now.
He pulled his jogger and left his briefs on, i could see the now visible bulge in his pants. I shivered out of fear, Hakeem mistook it for cold so he drew me nearer and kissed me.

This time it was filled with love and care, it started out slowly then it became fast and full of passion. He gently walked me back to his bed. After getting us both in bed he started placing hickeys all over my face and chest. Then he took my nipple in his mouth, he teased and sucked while his other thumb flicked my other nipple.

I could feel desire pooling between my legs, i was so wet already. He kneeled in between my legs and gently pooled my shorts down, i wasn't wearing any underwear as i already washed the one i wore previously.

After removing my shorts, i felt his eyes on my thigh, i shut my eyes as i was shy. I opended it when i felt him kissing my thighs and moving upwards. When his hands got to my private parts, he moved to my clit and started teasing and flicking.

I was soo aroused now, i could feel the pull down below my stomach. He replaced his fingers with his mouth and started kissing, i tried to close my laps at first but he spread it further with his hands and continued. feels so amazing

He inserted a finger in opening while still sucking and teasing my clit, then he added another finger and started moving in and out. I could feel the all familiar pressure building, i know i was on the edge, i couldn't stop myself from moaning his name

"Hakeem," i didnt even know what it was but does it feel good?

Then he lifted his head suddenly, he crawled back up to me and kissed me hardly. I returned the kiss with same fervour. He suddenly pulled his briefs down and soon he was using his knees to part my thighs further.

I felt his huge penis at my entrance, i was still scared but i know this had to happen sometime. He gently inserted a finger in my vagina and rubbed my juice all over my opening. Then he pushed in, i could feel my body resisiting him, he pulled out and returned to kiss me and playing with my clit. My body started relaxing, without warning he pushed inside of me gently, i felt my hymen resist him, i guess he felt it too because he looked at me in confusion.
He was about to pull out but i wrapped my legs around him and pushed him in, he pushed inside with a swift thrust. I felt the pain, like a needle prick.

He started kissing me again and was moving in and out slowly. I was beginning to feel the pleasure now, i moaned in satisfaction and he increased the rythym setting a pace.

I started meeting each of his thrusts halfway and he deepened the thrusts. He was going faster now, the pressure was mounting again, i didn't know how i felt but i just kept on moaning his name.

Hakeem was whispering jumbled nonsemse in my ears but i didn't understand a word.

He kept on thrusting harder and deeper, until he hit a spot in me and i screamed his name.

He whispered in my ears now "Cum for me baby" and that was all it took, i felt the sudden rush of pleasure like i was in space, floating, with Hakeem being the only anchor holding me down to earth.

He thrusts in a few more times before i heard him moan my name and i felt his warm seed spill inside of me.

He collapsed on top of me lightly, before rolling off.

I felt soo complete, i was expecting to feel guilt, regret atleast but all i felt was peace and satisfaction.

I felt Hakeem lift me up, my eyes were already drooping now, he carried me into the bathroom, he cleaned me up and placed me in bed. He went to clean up and came to sleep beside.

He pulled into a cuddle and kissed my forehead goodnight, i barely whispered my goodnight before i slept off.

The thoughs on my mind while i slept was, What will happen now?

And that was it guys!!!!
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Luv y'all

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