Chapter 11

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Belle's P.O.V

I decided on working with Hakeem, the advantages was just too much to the slight inconvenience of our past.

I resumed work on the day agreed upon, just as Hakeem promised it was professional. No one would have thought we knew each other before then, he acted politely around me. I was given the company car and everything has been going fine.
Ify's father was understanding after we explained my situation and he employed another man to take the position.

Its been a week now at my new job with Hakeem. I was in my office which was beside Hakeem's office on the first floor.
I was busy rounding off for the day when Hakeem called me to come to his office.

Though my office space was technically in his office, but it was seperated by a soundproof glass wall, and there is a screen that can be pulled down to afford him privacy. Though he rarely pulls that down, i wish he would because i always catch the feeling like he's staring at me but whenever i look up i see him engrossed in whatever he was doing at the moment.
Maybe i really need to learn to trust this guy, he seems to have forgotten about the past. It's time i did so as well, since he is going to be my boss for a while.

I went to Hakeem's office, he was already set to go, he told me he was going to pick his parents at the airport. And he needs me to clear his schedule for the weekend.
I know Hakeem works everyday of the week, so his willingness to cancel all appointments means his parents means the world to him. I answered him with my overused 'Yes Sir', though he hates it but its just my own way of reminding Me that he's out of my league now. We bade each other bye and went our ways.

I got home late that night, i had to call all client to explain my boss sudden unavailability and then discuss another possible day for meeting. It was stressful but that's what I'm paid for.

I went straight to bed after removing my clothes and throwing it all over the room without bothering to check where it landed.

Saturday came with its usual restful morning, i love saturdays. I did my laundry, general house cleaning since Ify works on saturdays she can't help with it. Did few work on my laptop and i was done for the day. I decided to sleep early so as to wake early for church on sunday.

Soon enough it was monday and i had work to go to. I got dressed and went out my room since Ify was ready also, i dropped her off at work before i left for mine.

I got to work at usual resumption time but i couldn't help but feel something had happened. I kept on catching the mixed feeling from people and all.

I was heading to my office but was stopped on the way by one of the staff. She was a busybody and everybody tries to ignore or avoid her. Since she was literally in my way i had to be polite.

" Hello, good morning Mrs....?"

"Jameson, and you must be Belle. I have heard alot about you, i only wish to be your friend. And can you send my congrats to our boss, tell him i wish him all the best on his new engagement. Do have a good day" and with that she was gone.

What?! Hakeem? Engaged?

I decided to play it off and went to my office. Hakeem wasn't around yet so i went to my space and resumed work.
I was about thirty minutes in when I heard voices in Hakeem's office.

He was with a woman, she was breathtakingly beautiful, even with her head cover, she seemed so fragile and strong at the same time. She should be in her late twenties but she looked twenty.
She was wearing a beautiful black Abaya gown with diamond all over it, her head cover was also in black. The colour only seemed to make her skin appear fairer and enhanced her black eyes. She was wearing a simple silver sandals. He hands were adorned with silver bracelet and wristwatch. But the jewelry that caught my eyes the most was the Diamind ring on her finger, make that massive diamond. All in all, she screamed wealth and status.

Hakeem was looking as ravishing as ever beside her in his suit. He was saying something to her while smilling down at her, she smiled back in reply.

I turned my attention back to the task at hand and soon enough my phone rang. I was needed in Hakeem's office. I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling, thank God there was nobody here to see.

I walked in and i saw Hakeem at his table and his fiancee on the couch, checking something on her phone.
" Good morning sir, you called me" i said in my most serious tone. I know Hakeem hates it when i address him like that but i just feel like riling him as much as i feel.

He replied me with a smile and that only seemed to anger me more
"Hi Belle, good morning, meet Aliyyah, my fiancee and Aliyyah meet Belle, my secretary" Aliyyah's eyes were already on me so i nodded an hello to her. I couldn't bring myself to talk or i was going to say something i would always regret.

Aliyyah was having none of that, she looked at me weirdly and stood up to stand beside me and said
" Hello there Belle, it's nice to meet you, i hope to be your friend" she said wearing a big and genuine smile.

Good Lord, I can't even hate her

I gave her my brightest smile and replied in my sweetest voice but i couldn't help the shyness in my voice

" Aliyyah, the pleasure is all mine. And i would love to be your friend".

She held me in a bear hug, i guess she really needed a friend. I hugged her back and excused myself to go back to my office. But not without looking at Hakeem but the look that was on his face was confusing then it was gone and was replaced with that smile once again.

Maybe that's the signal my heart needs to know He has finally moved on.

I went into my office but i couldnt stop thinking about Aliyyah, i know i should hate her but i can't. Shes too real and friendly to deserve such treatment from me.
And why should i hate her, i was done with Hakeem by the way.

I continued my work and was mostly busy for the day. I didn't notice when Aliyyah left but she was not in Hakeem's office when i went to bid him good night.

I think it's time i moved on with my life and maybe start dating some of the guys Ify has been discreetly sending my way.

Hi Guys, sorry about the short chapter, I promise the next one would be longer.
Do you think Belle and Aliyyah can truly be friends?
I hate girls fighting over a man so I had to portray Aliyyah as a friendly soul but you never can tell, right?
Pls vote, follow and comment

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