Chapter 8

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Belle's P.O.V

It's been three years now since that unfortunate incident.

After i got to school that day i got a credit alert on my phone, of two hundred thousand Naira from Hakeem in my account. I didn't bother to call him to thank him. He cant buy my forgiveness.

I blocked him on everywhere and tried to move on with my life

Though my friends noticed something about me had changed but i downplayed it to school stress. I never told anybody about it,it was easier to forget if i never spoke of it.

If only my heart would move on, i felt heartbroken, cheated, molested, abused but couldn't do anything about it.

I vowed to never have anything to do with a man again, atleast till am ready to love again.

I'm out of school now, done with my National Youth service (a compulsory programme for first degree holders in Nigeria popularly known as NYSC)

I decided to move to Abuja  to find a Job, it was easy to move since Ify's parent are in Abuja.

I and Ify decided to rent our apartment separately in Gwarimpa (the biggest housing estate in west Africa). We rented a two-bedroom flat, it was small but cosy. We made it as homey as possible and we took a room each to afford each other a sense of privacy.

I have been in Abuja for two months now yet no job, mum has been so supporting. She helped me pay my share of the house rent when we moved into the apartment newly. But i know i can't continue depending on her, that's why she gave me education, i need a Job and i need it soon.

Ify is working with her father at his superstore, He offered to employ me but i wanted an experiencein the real world and then the pay wasn't that enticing so i declined his offer.

I was walking down the street when i saw an advertisement of vacancy in a popular Car dealer company. I decided to apply for the position of secretary to the CEO.

I sent in my application, i was invited for an interview. I went for the interview and i was selected as one of the last two candidates to be screened by the Boss himself.

The screening is in two days so i had to prepare. I googled what i could about the company, though the name of the CEO looked familiar but no picture of him was on the internet.

Good Lord, how do i know what he like and dislikes if there isn't any article about him?

I was beginning to get frustrated. I shut down my laptop and went straight to sleep.

I woke up the following morning to Ify's voice screaming a goodbye as she ran out.

She is always late, what causes it i do not know.

I went into my bathroom, the plus to this house is that we get to have a seperate bathroom. I brushed my teeth, took my bath, and wore my comfort clothes, shorts and big shirts

I went to the kitchen to get breakfast and continued on my assignment as i eat. I need to learn things about this man but it isn't easy at all.

I continued my research on the company through the day, all i saw was a vague description of him and he seems like an old man from the information privided.
I prepared my clothes for the following day and went to bed early to have an early start. I don't want to give the impression of lateness.

My alarm woke me up at 5am this morning, good thing because i now have atleast two hours to eat and prepare. I took my bath, applied a little bit of foundation, did my brow and a little bit of mascara. I love my eyelash. Then some lipgloss on my lips, i was satisfied with my look.

My hair was braided with extensions already, so i only had to style it to be official, that is in a tight bun on top my head.
Now clothes, i chose a nice fitted grey skirt and white shirt, with a black heels and bag.

I dumped my printed CV, phones and all in the bag, and went to the kitchen to get breakfast. I ate cereal and milk, by then it was few minutes past 7am, i rushed to the door , shouting on Ify to be fast or else she would be late again before I went out.

I quickly flagged down a taxi and gave him the address and prayed for God's mercy on today's screening. I'm nervous, i can't risk losing the Job, the pay is soo nice and it comes with an official car.

I arrived there in record time and payed the taxi. I stood for a minute to take in my environment, the building is imposing.

Not a skyscraper but it has over 15 floors. It was coated in silver and grey, it screamed wealth and power

Wow! I really can't wait to see who owns all this.

I walked in after been screened by security, i saw a lady sitting by a large table, with like five landlines in front of her and a laptop. She looked so busy and i felt bad to disturb her but i had to.

I walked up to her and said "Hi good morning" with a bright smile.

She replied with a bright smile of her own too " Good morning madam, how may i help u?"

She is professional, i give her that

I told her i was here for the screening she nodded and called a security over. She told him to take me to the CEO's office on the first floor.

We got on the Elevator, he entered  the floor we were heading to and we got there without disturbance. He walked me out and told me to sit in the waiting area outside the Boss's office and left without a word.

I waited for like another thirty minutes before the second candidate joined me. I greeted her, she replied and we ignored each other after that.

An hour later, i saw the lady, receptionist walk out the elevator and enter the boss office. She came out almost immediately and said

"Welcome ladies, the Boss is ready to see you, he says he wants you to enter  according to your score on the interview since Miss Jane scored higher she's to enter first" she finished with a smile and led the other candidate, i now know as Jane, into the office and closed the door softly behind her .

She turned to me and said " Miss Belle, I'm busy with some documents i have to handle, could you please walk in once miss Jane is out?"

I replied with " Its not a problem."
She smiled and left.

I waited for another thirty minutes before miss Jane walked out, she smiled at me and left. My heart sank, God!, she already got the Job, but never say never". 

I put on my professional smile, opened the door and  walked in.

The office is the first thing i took in, with big white walls and black tiles, the chairs are black too while the table is made of Mahogany wood, big and impressive.

Sitting behind the massive table looking down on a laptop is the Boss.

Damn, He looks younger than the internet made him out to be

I put on a bright smile and said in my most professional voice " Goodmorning sir, I'm Belle, and I'm here for the screening"

He looked up and I froze........

Hell no! It can't be! It can never be?

The first thing i noticed is those eyes, i can recognise them anywhere and the beautifully sculptured face

I pushed past the lump in my throat and said in a voice that sounded foreign even to my own ears.


Guys, Hakeem and Belle finally meets
What do you think is going to happen?
Is Hakeem willing to employ Belle?
Will Belle take the Job?
Can they move past their past?

Plss do not forget to vote, comment and folllow
I love y'all

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