Chapter 17

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Belle's P.O.V

I gave in my resignation the same day i decided to move to my mum's place in Lagos. The HR tried convincing me to stay but my mind was made up. I couldn't blame him for trying though, because the reasons i gave him for my resignation were baseless, something about my passion and all.

I was told i had to work for another month so as to train the new worker to take over, i agreed but little did he know i had other plans.

I begged the HR to keep it low for awhile especially to Hakeem on the basis that i might like to reconsider. Of course he was willing to give me a chance, poor man, if only he knew.

Ify is an entirely different story, she was a crying mess the day i told her i would be moving back home. She swore to kill Hakeem for being the cause of it but i was able to convince her it was my carelessness that got me into the mess the first place. Atleast i slept with him knowing fully well that he is engaged.

After a week of dropping my resignation letter, i moved back to lagos. It wasn't easy for me but this is the only way to protect myself and my baby.

I got home, apparently mum has changed house, she now lives in a flat bought in a new estate not too far from our previous apartment. It is a three-bedroom flat, with simple structures and interiors and a medium pool at the back.

She also told me she had invested some of her money and owns a superstore in the area.

Good for her, she deserves more.

I settled in fully and decided to assist mum with her business rather than getting another job as this will save me stress and i can choose my working hours.

So far so good everything had been going on fine, amazing that is, i only wish my heart would stop feeling empty, like someone reached inside and tore it out leaving a gaping hole instead. I was simply existing, mum tried to assure me things would work out fine but i kept on feeling like i could do better.


Hakeem's P.O.V

I was in my office when Aliyyah called to inform me of the news about our sudden wedding preparations. I was flabbergasted, why would her parents do such?

We have to do something about it, I have to do something about it.

I called my parents first to ask if they saw the news, they told me they hardly read anything online, typical of my parents.

I think it's time to let our parents know, i already have someone i love, I'm just happy Belle knows nothing about this. I can't imagine how heartbroken she would be.

After that night with Belle, i could not get Belle out of my system. I dream of her every night and i go to work everyday with a foul mood. It had to stop.

I called Zubby and Aliyyah to meet up at my usual place with Zubby. They all came to meet me as planned, Zubby was the first to notice all was not well. Aliyyah seemed worried about me too, i couldn't blame them, i was a literal mess.

I explained my dilemma to them, Aliyyah listened with rapt attention, she had been kept in the dark for long enough.

After my story and several rounds of shots, i was exhausted and the more i thought about it all, it seemed like i already lost Belle.

Aliyyah said "Hakeem, I'm so sorry, i didnt know the woman you love is Belle, that must have been hard on her if she loves you too. You know, our engagement and then seeing me often" she was looking at me with genuine empathy.

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