Chapter 1

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"I'm going to get some more wood!" You exclaimed as you prepared your axe and your basket. Your mother gave you a worried look.

"It's alright (Y/N), we can get some tomorrow. Plus, the sun's starting to set and demons might lurk around there." your mother said. "I'm just going to get a few, mother. Kai, Akari and you might get a cold if we sleep tonight without some firewood." you informed as your mother gave out a sigh.

"You worry too much (Y/N), just like your father." your mother exclaimed with a warm smile. You both heard laughter coming from outside the house. You and your mother began to get curious so you both went to the front of the house to see what's going on.

You saw your brother and sister running around with a familiar male figure catching up to them. The male has blonde hair and amazing rainbow colored eyes. He was wearing robes colored in red with a hat on top and white pants with a golden belt. "Kai, Akari, please return my fans." The male called out as he tried to catch your younger siblings. "Catch us if you can Douma-nii!." Your siblings replied as they ran towards you and hid behind your legs.

"Kai, Akira, please give Douma-kun his fans back." you told your siblings. "But Nee-san! He wants to tell you something!" Kai said while Akira nodded. You tilted your head in confusion as you looked at Douma who was giving your brother a 'shushing' motion. "What is it you need to tell me Douma-kun?" you asked as Akira went towards Douma to return his fans. "Douma-nii wants to tell you that he li--" Akira was cut off by Douma covering her mouth with his hand. "I wanted to ask if I could stay here for the night since I haven't seen you all day because of my cult duties." Douma quickly exclaimed with a nervous laugh.

Your mother let out a wide smile, knowing you developed feelings for the blonde male, she clapped her hands. "You are welcome to stay here as long as you like Douma! I'm sure (Y/N) doesn't mind at all!" she exclaimed as she gave you a hard push making you trip and fall, only for Douma to catch you. You and Douma both blushed at the closeness you two are having then you suddenly remembered why you need to leave.

"Oh! I have to go and find more firewood!" You exclaimed as Douma helped you up. "Nee-san can I come too?" "Me as well Nee-san!" Your younger siblings asked. "Sorry Kai, Akira. But you can't come with me. It's really cold by the forest and you two might get sick. Douma-kun, can you watch them for me? I promise I'll be back quickly." you asked to which Douma nodded while your siblings had on a sad face. "How about this. When I get back, we can go to the village tomorrow and maybe visit Douma-kun's temple?." you suggested. "You guys are always welcome to the temple and we have a flower garden there." Douma added. "Do you promise?" Kai and Akira asked simultaneously as they held out their pinky fingers.

You gave them a smile and hook their pinky with yours. "I promise." you gently said as you waved at your mother and siblings goodbye and head your way to the forest.

"(Y/N)-chan! Wait up!" A voice yelled out. You turned and saw Douma running after you with his hands behind his back. "What is it Douma-kun?" you asked. Douma let out a grin and pulled out something soft behind his back. "It's cold out there especially at night and I don't want you to get cold and catch a fever. I know you're somewhat immune to cold temperatures but I want you to be safe." Douma said as he wrapped you with what seems to be a dark blue haori with snowflakes as the pattern scattered around.

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