Chapter 16

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"You were right, Yahaba! A building just appeared out of nowhere!" The demon with the temari balls exclaimed.

"The handiwork of a Blood Demon Arts wielder adept at hiding objects. And the demon hunters are accompanied by demons. One of them feels different than the other though. What is going in here?" The demon known as Yahaba spoke.

"Still, I have to say, Susamaru. Your way of doing things is so immature. You splattered my kimono with dust!" He added. "Oh, stop whining! We found them right away thanks to my temari, so who cares? And now we can have tons of fun!" Susamaru exclaimed as she threw her temaris at the house. The dust cleared out as you all saw the demons looking at you. "Found 'em! Found 'em!" Susamaru sang.

'She caused all this damage, by throwing a temari?' you thought as you held onto Douma. Susamaru threw her temari as it flew around the room heading straight towards Tamayo.

"Lady Tamayo!" Yushiro yelled as he stood in front but the temari swerved to his side as it went and destroyed his head, blood splattered on Tamayo's kimono. "Yushiro-kun!" you yelled in shock as Yushiro's body fell on Tamayo.

"Nezuko! Take the lady sleeping in the back room somewhere safe outside!" Tanjiro ordered. "It's too dangerous outside! We have a basement, so take her there!" Tamayo exclaimed. "Go! Nezuko!" Tanjiro said as Nezuko went to the other room. "That's one down!" Susamaru exclaimed. "Douma-kun, you should go with her as well. Tanjiro and I will be fighting them off." you said as you stood up and took a stance.

"I'm not leaving~. I'm fighting alongside you~" Douma exclaimed as he took out his fans. "W-what?" you asked. "Aww~ don't worry, (Y/N)-chan~ I've trained with you back at Urokodaki's. I think I can also do some of your forms as well~" Douma said as he gave you a grin.

Susamaru retrieved her temaris and dribbled them. "The demon hunter wearing hanafuda-like earrings and the other wearing a snowflake designed haori. It's you two isn't it?" Susamaru said. 'They're after Tanjiro and I?!' you thought.

"Tamayo-san! Please find a place to hide! We're the ones those demons are after!" you exclaimed. "(Y/N)-san, Tanjiro-san. I want you two to fight without worrying about us. We'll be fine without your protection. Since we're demons." Tamayo said as she looked at you and Tanjiro.
"(Y/N)-chan, don't worry about me as well. I can also fight." Douma whispered to you as you nodded.

You watched Tanjiro pierce the temari heading towards him. You notice Susamaru smirked and saw the temari hit Tanjiro before it removed itself from his blade. 'How can the temari move around like that? It's not spinning in any special way. What is this?' you thought as you avoided the temari bouncing around.

"Yushiro! Yushiro!" Tamayo called out as she held Yushiro's body. You were surprised when you saw his head starting to regenerate. "La.... Lady Tamayo." Yushiro said as he continued to regenerate. "Didn't I tell you? That we shouldn't get involved with those demon hunters! From the start! My blindfold technique is still a work in process! I know you're well aware of that yourself! I may be able to conceal the presence of buildings and people, their scent, but it's not like I can mask their very existence!" Yushiro said angrily.

You saw Tamayo guiltily look down. "The greater our numbers, the more traces we'll leave, and the greater the odds that Kibutsuji will discover us!" Yushiro added. 'Amazing, so that was Yushiro's Blood Demon Art huh?' you thought.

"Anyone who ruins the time I spend alone with you...... I despise such people! I despise them with passion! It's unforgivable!" Yushiro yelled. You sweat dropped at his statement. 'Tamayo-san, I think it will be somehow difficult to be friends with Yushiro.' you thought when you heard Susamaru laughing. "Hey, he's babbling! What fun this is!" She exclaimed as she removed the top half of her kimono, showing her black top. "To be killed by me, one of the Twelve Demon Moons! You should be honored!" she added.

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