Chapter 11

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You wore your Demon Slayer uniform with the word 'Destroy' written in kanji on the back. You placed your haori on as well. "Are you two done getting changed?" Urokodaki asked. "Yes!" You answered as Urokodaki nodded at yours and Tanjiro's appearances. Douma sneaked a peek outside the room with his fan covering the bottom half of his face. Nezuko was below him peeking under the blanket. Both you and Tanjiro held a determined look.

"(Y/N), Tanjiro. Now that you two have become part of the Demon Slayers, I'd like to explain a few things to you both." Urokodaki stated. "All right." you said as you listened. "That Demon Slayer uniform you both are wearing right now is made of a special kind of fiber. The fabric is quite breathable, yet it repels moisture and won't burn easily. Even the claws and fangs of lesser demons cannot rend that uniform." Urokodaki stated as you looked at your uniform. 'It's that strong?' you thought.

"Also, the nichirin blades of yours. The color varies from owner to owner, and each hue has its unique properties. But since very few people end up with black blades, little is known about them. Since so little is known about them, they are said to be wielded by swordsmen that don't make it very far. (Y/N), your blade is different as well. Only one other person is said to wield a white colored blade but it was a long time ago since people have seen that color." Urokodaki said as you looked at your blade. "I don't know how well Tanjiro-kun and I will do as Demon Slayers but we're going to turn Nezuko-chan and Douma-kun back into a human no matter what." you exclaimed as you looked towards Douma.

"Yes, that's right. I have faith that you both can make that happen." Urokodaki said as you and Tanjiro nodded. "One more thing. Take these." Urokodaki stated as he placed down two large crate like boxes in front of you and Tanjiro. "It's a box for you to carry your lover and sister in during the day. It's built out of an extremely light wood called 'Cloud Mist Pine'. I coated it with rock lacquer to reinforce its exterior and to make it even more durable." Urokodaki explained as the four of you looked at the boxes. "Thank you very much!" You and Tanjiro exclaimed.

You picked up the box and was surprised at the weight. "It's so light! It's really lightweight, Urokodaki-san!" you exclaimed with joy as you went towards Douma. Douma turned into a child and went towards you. You patted his head and opened the box for him to climb in. "We'll always be together from now on, Douma-kun. Okay?" you exclaimed as you gently closed the box.

"All right, we're off." Tanjiro said as you stood besides him. Urokodaki went to fix Tanjiro's uniform, he then went to fix your strap on the box and fixed your hair as well. He patted the two of you on the shoulders and nodded. The two of you waved to Urokodaki as you both head out to your mission.

You continued to walk on your path as you looked up to the sky. "Douma-kun, are you alright in there?" you asked as you heard some muffled hums coming inside the box making you smile. You and your companions reached across a bridge.

"Do you think this could be the town to the northwest?" you asked Tanjiro who shrugged. "It could be, let's check it out." he replied as the two of you walked around the town. "Poor Kazumi, he looks so haggard." some people whispered as your eyes widened when you saw a boy walking mindlessly, he was covered bruises. "That's because he was with Satoko when she vanished." "It happens night after night. It's so creepy." people whispered as you stopped in your tracks to listen.

"How dreadful. When night falls, yet another young girl will get abducted!" you turned and catched up to the boy. "Kazumi-san!" you called, Tanjiro following after you.


"This is where Satoko vanished. You may not believe me." Kazumi said as you and Tanjiro inspected the scene. "We do believe you! We really do! We believe you!." Tanjiro exclaimed as he went to sniff the ground. 'There are traces of a demon here but I don't see any footprints left behind. Strange.' you thought as you looked around the area. You and Kazumi followed Tanjiro around town as he continued to find the demon's scent, people looked at you two strangely but you paid no mind to it.

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