Chapter 6

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You and Tanjiro descended down the mountain again but this time both of you carried a sword each. 'Ahh the sword is hampering my movements!' you thought, noticing in the corner of your eye that Urokodaki was watching. You lost your focus and let out a yelp as you suddenly got trapped and pulled up by a rope hanging you upside down. "(Y/N)-san!" Tanjiro called out as you waved your hands around. 'Damn! I lost my focus and Urokodaki-san is watching. This is embarrassing! I bet he's laughing internally at my humiliation!' you internally screamed.

"991,992,993,994...." both you and Tanjiro chanted as you two swung your swords. 'Tanjiro and I are swinging our swords today. Well, make that every single day. After descending the mountain, we swing our swords until our arms falls off.'

"1,000!" you and Tanjiro yelled out. Finally you were finished-- "500 more!" Urokodaki ordered as you and Tanjiro paled. 'Damn it.' you thought.

You woke up from your sleep when you saw the light on Tanjiro's desk was still on. Urokodaki made the four of you share a room but you all didn't mind. It's actually better than being in a separate room. When either you or Tanjiro is still asleep, the other wakes them up. You saw Tanjiro passed out on his desk. You were about to get up when an arm was wrapped around your waist, and that arm was Douma's. Ever since the two of you arrived at Mt. Sagiri, Douma began to get a bit clingy and try his ways to gain your attention.

You were about to suffer a heart attack earlier when you saw Douma trying to run to you under the sun during training. Turns out he just wanted some headpats and hugs as reassurance.

You gently moved Douma's arm away as you walked towards Tanjiro, grabbing a blanket on the way. You placed the blanket on Tanjiro's shoulder and placed his journal away from him so his drool wouldn't drop on it. You turned off the lamp and went back to your futon and immediately passed out.

Unknown to you, a series of drawings of you and Douma were on the back pages of Tanjiro's journal drawn by your one and only blonde haired crush.


"Swords break easily." you recalled Urokodaki's saying.

'The blade's direction and the direction in which you apply the force must be exactly the same.'

'If you ever damage the blade, in other words, break it, I'll snap your bones as well' you shivered at Urokodaki's warnings.


You charged towards Urokodaki with your sword raised but you were flipped over making you land on your back. Tanjiro charged as well but was flipped over Urokodaki making him twirl vertically while you awed at Urokodaki's strength.

'Training to break our fall and quickly get up from any position.'

Both you and Tanjiro charged once again with the intent to kill but it was useless as the two of you were back on the ground. Urokodaki was fighting you both bare handed as you wondered how strong Urokodaki really is.


You laid on the futon, having difficulty in breathing as your face was warm. Tanjiro grabbed a cold towel and draped it on your forehead. Douma was on your side fanning you and holding your hand. "(Y/N)-san, I'm amazed at how you don't get sick in cold weather but you easily get sick when it's really hot outside." Tanjiro exclaimed as he gave you a reassuring smile.

"Sometimes, I don't even know why myself. It's weird." you replied as you let out a weak chuckle. "Say, how's Nezuko-chan?" you asked. "She's still sleeping. But you gotta worry about your health first (Y/N)-san. Please rest until Urokodaki-san comes back with your medicine." Tanjiro said.

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